
Can a lie ever be good?

Can a lie ever be good?

But “prosocial” lies—fibs intended to benefit others—can actually build trust between people, according to research. Just remember: Lies are most beneficial when they’re not selfish. If you tell your partner he or she looks great before a date to boost his or her self-esteem, that’s one thing, Schweitzer says.

What should you never lie about?

12 Things You Should Never Lie About

  • Having an orgasm.
  • Feeling sick at work.
  • Your physical appearance …
  • Whether you think a relationship has a future.
  • Your mental health.
  • What you need from another person.
  • Your credentials.
  • A mistake you made at work.

Why do we tell lies answer?

Answer: However, of the most common motives for telling lies, avoiding punishment is the primary motivator for both children and adults. Other typical reasons include protecting ourselves or others from harm, maintaining privacy, and avoiding embarrassment, to name a few.

Why you should never lie to your friends?

Humphreys explains that lying to friends is never good, because “once the lie is exposed, it undermines trust,” which is one of “the fundamental aspects of friendship.” Not only does it hurt the person you lied to, but it can even hurt the person who told the lie, since “it can eat away at and weigh heavily on the …

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Why should one choose not to lie?

1. The first reason one should choose not to lie is the obvious reason that it is immoral. Of course, if this doesn’t mean much, then the next 9 reasons are for you. 2. Second, it can be very stressful to come up with alternate stories.

Is it OK to tell a white lie to a potential employer?

Telling a white lie about why you’re no longer employed isn’t a big deal, but lying to potential employers in ways that could be easily revealed might come back to bite you. Telling a white lie about why you need to cancel a date with a romantic partner is okay if the discovery of the “truth” behind the white lie isn’t damaging to your partner.

Should you use a white lie to obscure the truth?

There are two factors involved when you are deciding whether or not to use a white lie to obscure the truth: The measure the intent of the lie and the potential fallout if you’re found out. Weigh these factors carefully before you risk telling a lie, no matter how “harmless” it may seem.

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Is it morally acceptable to tell lies?

It may be the case that some other-oriented lies lead to positive consequences. So, this would lead to the conclusion that it is morally acceptable to tell some lies, as long as the lie results in help, not harm. I knew an elderly woman whose family members lied to her about the fact that her son was dying of cancer.