
Why is octopus placed in phylum Mollusca?

Why is octopus placed in phylum Mollusca?

If you compare the two diagram photos, an octopus (also it’s closest comrade the squid) has all it takes to be classed as a mollusc, possessing metanephridia (aka kidney), radula (in form of chitinous tooth called beak), muscular feet and most importantly, a mantle and a lack of backbone unlike a fish which has a …

Is an octopus a phylum Mollusca?


How do we know the octopus is a mollusk?

The most obvious difference between most cephalopods and other mollusks is the apparent lack of a shell. Octopuses do not have shells at all, while squids have a small internal shell. (Nautiluses, which are found in the South Pacific and Indian oceans, are the only cephalopods with an external shell.

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Why are squids considered mollusks?

Mollusks are invertebrates such as snails, scallops, and squids. Mollusks have a hard outer shell. There is a layer of tissue called the mantle between the shell and the body. Most mollusks have tentacles for feeding and sensing, and many have a muscular foot.

Which of the following animal belongs to phylum Mollusca?

The animals belonging to the phylum Mollusca are apple snail, pearl oyster, devil fish, tusk shell, etc.

What is economic importance of phylum Mollusca?

Mollusks are economically important as food, and their shells are widely used in jewelry and decorative items. Representative mollusks. Bivalves have a shell with two halves. Filter feeders, they take in food and water through a tubular siphon.

What phylum does an octopus belong to?

Phylum Mollusca
Clams, Snails, and Squid: Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda. Cephalopods are a group of molluscs that include the pearly chambered Nautilus, squids, and the octopus.

How does an octopus eat a mollusk?

The behavior o£ the octopus when feeding upon shelled molluscs is described in four steps: selection of prey, boring a hole in the shell, secreting into the borehole, and pulling out the body oC the mollusc and eating it. Drilling of the hole is done by the radula.

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Is octopus an amphibian?

Even more broadly, octopuses are invertebrates. This classification includes all animal species except those belonging to the subphylum Vertebrata, which includes fish, mammals, reptiles, birds and amphibians. Invertebrates are characterized by their lack of a backbone.

What phylum is the octopus in?


What phylum is an octopus?

What is the difference between Mollusca and octopus?

Phylum Mollusca is the second largest phylum. A few molluscs such as Unio possess green glands which mimic the liver in vertebrates. They possess osphradia to test the chemical nature of water. The statocysts maintain body equilibrium. Octopus has 8 arms and contains no shell.

What animals are in the phylum Mollusca?

Mollusks are invertebrates and include octopus, squid, snails, slugs, clams, and oysters and many others. As diverse as this phylum is, all its animals include three physical traits.

Is an octopus an invertebrate or vertebrate?

An octopus is from a class called Cephalopoda coming from the Mollusca Phylum. All cephalopods are invertebrates that literally look like their name: ‘Cephalo’ is head and ‘Poda’ is foot/feet = “Headfoot” or “Feethead”.

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What are the key points of Mollusca?

Key Points on Mollusca 1 Phylum Mollusca is the second largest phylum. 2 A few molluscs such as Unio possess green glands which mimic the liver in vertebrates. 3 They possess osphradia to test the chemical nature of water. 4 The statocysts maintain body equilibrium. 5 Octopus has 8 arms and contains no shell.