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What age should read Crime and Punishment?

What age should read Crime and Punishment?

Crime and Punishment

Interest Level Grade 7 – Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 7
Genre Fiction, Young Adult
Publisher Lerner Publishing Group
Brand First Avenue Classics ™

Can kids read Crime and Punishment?

It is a difficult read, and if you expect this child to get out of the book what they should, unless they meet my criteria, do not waste their time. Start with something simpler, like 1984, Animal Farm or Brave New World. Deep, dark, but it does not require the intellectual commitment of Crime and Punishment.

Is crime and punishment suitable for teens?

Crime and Punishment is readily enjoyable to readers of a high school level.

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Is Crime and Punishment a good book for beginners?

Yes it was a very good book. A detective novel on one level, deep work of philosophy on the other. Raises strong moral questions such as, “is there other ways of killing people without physically killing them?” It’s a very long book, but it’s filled with this thing called Life.

Why crime and punishment is a good book?

“Crime and Punishment is probably Dostoevsky’s most conventional novel. It’s effectively a sort of literary crime novel, and is in some ways quite typical of its time. It’s got a fascinating structure, where a full 80\% of the novel comes after he’s committed the crime but before he reaches the punishment.

Is Crime and punishment a bad book?

“This is literally one of the worst books I have ever almost read. Never have I ever been so insulted by any book. I would never recommend this book to any one ever in my life. This book made me dread reading it (had to read it for class) and now I am just reading the summary because it is so boring.”

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Is Crime and punishment the best book ever?

Many writers have praised this book as the best for its portrayal of psychological depth and insights of human mind. Crime and Punishment sets the bar, but later authors, with a better understanding of psychology, are able to give an updated take on it.

Is crime and punishment worth reading for a high school student?

Crime and Punishment goes right into the storyline without intermeso. It is much shorter and the plot is faster-paced. Crime and Punishment is readily enjoyable to readers of a high school level. I finished it a few months ago, right after I graduated.

Is Dostoevsky’s Crime and punishment still my favorite novel?

Despite the three years* that have gone by since reading Crime and Punishment—three years in which I’ve read some outstanding literature, joined Goodreads and written just over 100 reviews of the books I’ve journeyed through—Dostoevsky’s novel still resides on it’s throne as my personal favorite novel.

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What is your review of crime and punishment?

Crime and Punishment is one of the most heartfelt stories that I have read. Never a book is written about agonies of a human mind with so much compassion, sympathy, and feeling. There is no question as to Dostoevsky’s mastery in writing.

Can a twelve-year-old boy read this?

Any twelve-year-old who wants to read this is welcome to do so. He is probably a genius, and I am not going to stand in his way. If he understands all of it, great! If not, he will understand part of it and may return to it later in his lifetime. In either case, he is hardly going to be hurt by reading it. Go for it, seventh grader.