
Can you keep 2 corn snakes together?

Can you keep 2 corn snakes together?

Corn snakes do not get lonely because they have evolved as solitary creatures. If you keep two or more corn snakes together, it is likely to cause them stress. Close proximity between two corn snakes can even result in one eating the other. Corn snakes are asocial: They want to be alone.

Should I get two corn snakes?

We and hundreds of customers and colleagues do occasionally find the need to house more than one corn snake per cage, but even when precautionary measures are employed, there is no guarantee that one or more cage mates will evade injury or death from feeding confusion by one or more snakes.

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Can you keep 2 snakes together?

Housing different species of snake together is not a good idea. Social Distancing, Please: Snakes that are kept together in the same enclosure are more likely to pass on parasites and diseases. If you keep your pets separate, then its less likely that both your snakes will be wiped out by the same problem.

Will corn snakes fight each other?

Raised Aggression Corn snakes may became overly aggressive when hosted together. This is specially common when housing two males. Both males will likely fight to become the dominant snake.

Do snakes need a friend?

Most of us likely consider snakes to be cold, solitary beings, as indifferent to others of their kind as they are to us. “All animals—even snakes—need to interact with others,” says study leader Morgan Skinner, a doctoral candidate in behavioral ecology at Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada.

Can 2 snakes live in the same tank?

Snakes, however, are best housed singly and generally should not be combined in one tank, even if they are of the same species.

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Do corn snakes like to be held?

Corn snake handling should occur least 1-2x weekly, but no more than once daily. Snakes do not require social interaction for their mental health, but handling helps the snake stay tame and can be a good opportunity for exercise as well.

Can you keep two corn snakes in the same cage?

It is unadvisable to keep two corn snakes together in the same vivarium but many owners do it without any trouble. The major issues concerning this are cannibalism (especially in younger snakes), unexpected breeding, stress in one or all snakes, disease passing leading to a hike in your vet bills etcetera.

How big of a tank does a corn snake need?

A 30- to 40-gallon tank should be large enough for your corn snake to move and grow in. As with any snake tank, however, you’ll need to have a secured top to prevent any great escapes by your snake. A mesh lid is probably best, so that the tank will have appropriate ventilation.

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Should I get a corn snake as a pet?

If you are a beginner (or even an expert) looking to make your home feel whole by purchasing a pet reptile, you should really consider purchasing a pet corn snake. They make the perfect pets for any person and family.

How big do corn snakes get and how long do they live?

How Big Do Corn Snakes Get and How Long Do They Live? Once fully grown, corn snakes usually range from 2.5 to 5 feet in length, and have a lifespan of 5 to 10 years. They can even live longer when given proper care, so please make sure you are ready for a long-term commitment.