
Can I learn to play guitar on an electric guitar?

Can I learn to play guitar on an electric guitar?

Electric and acoustic guitars both have unique advantages. Electric guitars have thinner strings and therefore are a great choice for beginners because they require less hand strength. Players with small hands might also prefer an electric for its slimmer neck, which warrants an easier grip and shorter reach.

Is it better to learn electric or acoustic first?

You should learn acoustic guitar because its harder to play at first and will make your hands and fingers stronger. You should learn on an electric guitar first because it’s easier to play.

Do you need to know how do you play guitar to play electric guitar?

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If you want to play electric, as you said, then your first guitar should definitely be an electric. Which one is easier to play and easier to learn to play? Stylistically, as in how people choose to play them, they are just a little different and neither is necessarily easier.

Can I learn electric and acoustic guitar at the same time?

Yes. You can learn both acoustic and electric at the same time.

Should I play acoustic and electric guitar?

Yes, if you learn to play on an acoustic guitar, you can also play electric guitar. Some guitarists play both electric and acoustic guitars and the same techniques can be used on both types. Some styles of music will feel easier on one type of guitar, but it is possible to play the same things on both types.

Is electric or acoustic guitar harder?

Acoustic guitars are harder to play than electric guitars as the strings are usually a heavier gauge, resulting in greater tension. The higher action and greater tension make the process of fretting notes (e.g. pushing the strings against the fretboard) more difficult than on an electric guitar.

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Should I learn acoustic guitar or electric guitar first?

If you only ever see yourself playing metal or rock and want to be a lead guitarist, then it?s probably best that you start on an electric guitar. You can still go back and learn to play the acoustic if you ever feel the need for it? but if your main aim is to play electric guitar music? then that?s probably the best place to start.

What is the difference between acoustic guitar and electric guitar?

The action on an electric guitar is usually always lower than it is on an acoustic guitar. The action is essentially how far above the fretboard the strings are. On an electric guitar they tend to be closer to the fretboard. This makes it easier to press the strings into the frets, therefore making it easier to play.

Should I get an electric or acoustic guitar for my grandfather?

The strings on electric guitars are usually lighter and closer than acoustic. This is argued in favor of electrics as easier to get started on and in favor of acoustics as forcing better habits. If your grandfather is available I’d recommend taking him shopping for an inexpensive but well set up electric guitar and amp.

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Why do electric guitars have lighter strings?

This makes it easier to press the strings into the frets, therefore making it easier to play. Electric guitars tend to use a slightly lighter string gauge, on average. Lighter strings have less tension. This again, makes it physically easier to press on the strings.