Why do so many Italians leave Italy?

Why do so many Italians leave Italy?

Italian emigration was fueled by dire poverty. Life in Southern Italy, including the islands of Sicily and Sardinia, offered landless peasants little more than hardship, exploitation, and violence. Even the soil was poor, yielding little, while malnutrition and disease were widespread.

Where are young Italians moving to?

We analysed data on young Italians residing in EU and EFTA countries. Most of these youngsters live in Germany, Switzerland, France, Belgium and the UK. A very high percentage of youngsters of Italian nationality living abroad were born outside Italy (almost eighty per cent).

Are people moving out of Italy?

Almost 400,000 graduates have left Italy in the past decade, and only 50,000 similarly qualified foreigners have arrived. This is not the healthy, free movement of people that the European Union was set up to encourage. This is a nation on the run. Young Italians who leave to find a job sometimes do so at great risk.

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Why are people leaving Southern Italy?

In the past 10 years, some 580,000 people have left southern Italy, driven out by the financial crisis and rising poverty. With 0.7\% growth forecast for Italy as a whole this year, the southern economy will grow by just 0.1\%. Only farming has a few jobs to offer. Industry is on the verge of completely disappearing.

Why young people are leaving Italy?

More and more Italians are leaving their country because they cannot get a job. One in every three Italians say they are willing to go abroad, sometimes even to other continents to get work. Currently, about 300,000 young Italians may be living abroad.

Why there are no jobs in Italy?

Many Italians blame the education system, which is chronically underfunded, and favors theory over practice, leading to a very slow school-to-work transition, and to a mismatch between what young people graduate in and the skills needed to find work.

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Why people are moving to Italy?

Moving to Italy isn’t just heading off on your holidays, it’s settling in a foreign country. More and more Brits are choosing to make this decision and are either moving there to work, study or retire. There’s plenty of great reasons: Italian food, historic monuments and sites, Italian culture, the weather, etc.

How many young Italians are really leaving Italy?

“Some 2 million young Italians – many of them educated and skilled – have left Italy since 2008,” says Nicola Nobile, an economist at the research and analytics consultancy Oxford Economics. That’s a lot in a country with a population of about 60 million.

Is Italy’s economy growing or dying?

“The Italian economy is not growing,” says Carlo Cottarelli, an Italian economist and former director of the International Monetary Fund. “The Italian per capita income is the same as it was 20 years ago. In terms of economic growth, this past decade has been the worst since 1861.”

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Why is Italy’s education system so bad?

Many Italians blame the education system, which is chronically underfunded, and favors theory over practice, leading to a very slow school-to-work transition, and to a mismatch between what young people graduate in and the skills needed to find work.

Why do so many people like living in Italy?

Because, as most of the world knows, Italy is a beautiful country, where the coffee is cheap, the food is good, holidays are long, education is mostly free, and there is universal health care, despite all the economic trouble.