
What is the difference between visitors and visits?

What is the difference between visitors and visits?

Visits is the number of page hits your site has received. Visitors is the number of unique users that have visited your site.

What is the difference between pageviews and unique page views?

Unique Pageviews. A pageview is defined as a view of a page on your site that is being tracked by the Analytics tracking code. A unique pageview represents the number of sessions during which that page was viewed one or more times.

What are unique visitors in Google Analytics?

The official Google Analytics definition of this term is: “Unique Visitors are the number of unduplicated (counted only once) visitors to your website over the course of a specified time period.” However each user counts as one so, if the same IP address accesses the page/site these visits all count as one.

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What is the difference between visits and visitors on a website?

Any unique user on your site is considered a visitor. A visit specifies the period of time between the moment a user opens his browser and closes it.

Why are unique visitors important?

Why Is It Important to Measure Unique Visitors First of all, unique visitors tell you the actual size of your audience. For example, one person can visit a website 3x per day. In this case, if there’s an ad on the website, it means the same person will see it three times.

What are distinct visitors?

A unique visitor is a term used in marketing analytics which refers to a person who has visited the website at least once and is counted only once in the reporting time period. So if the user visits the web more than once, it counts as one visitor only. It’s also called a “Unique User”.

What is the difference between visits and impressions?

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Impressions vs. A visit can generate multiple page views. If a page has multiple ad placements, the number of gross impressions will be many times higher than the number of visits. For example: a visitor visited your website twice on the same day.

What is the difference between visits and unique visitors?

If the visitor returns to the website later in the day, this will count as the second visit. Visits, when compared with the next term – unique visitors, can help a webmaster understand the number of times visitors repeatedly enter a website. Unique visitors refers to the number of unique individuals that visit a website within a specific timeframe.

How do I calculate the total number of unique visitors?

The latter category of visitors can be determined over a one-day period using the fingerprint method. The total number of unique visitors is therefore the sum of these two types of unique visitors. In AT Internet’s Analytics Suite, you will find the analysis of unique visitors in the User Insights section.

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How do you measure unique visitors in the analytics suite?

In the Analytics Suite, we distinguish between unique visitors who accept cookies and unique visitors who do not accept cookies. The latter category of visitors can be determined over a one-day period using the fingerprint method. The total number of unique visitors is therefore the sum of these two types of unique visitors.

How to measure unique visitors on multiple platforms?

In the Analytics Suite, unique visitors can also be analysed on multiple websites (level 1). Identified visitors are measured using a unique identifier that is sent in the tagging when connecting to an authenticated space (login + password) and are common to all platforms (computer, tablets, smartphones…).