Tips and tricks

Is Madara stronger than sarutobi?

Is Madara stronger than sarutobi?

Madara wasted no time to break free from Kabuto’s control and resurrect himself completely. Madara soon took back his Rinnegan and became the jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails. Such was his power that he was called the “Second Sage of Six Paths.” As the jinchuriki of the Ten-Tails, Madara could easily beat Hiruzen.

Was the 3rd Hokage the strongest?

The Third Hokage of Konoha, Hiruzen Sarutobi was renowned as ‘The Professor’ and the ‘God of Shinobi’. It is said that in his prime, Hiruzen was stronger than ever other Hokage who came before him, and yes, that includes Hashirama Senju. Despite this, even as an old man, Hiruzen was extremely powerful!

Who defeated Madara in the 4th war?

The strongest enemy that Madara fought in the story was, undoubtedly, Naruto Uzumaki. Like Sasuke, Naruto was left in a near-death state by Madara Uchiha. However, thanks to Obito, he was rescued. Acquiring Six Paths powers, Naruto was able to take on and even overwhelm Madara Uchiha in combat.

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Who would win in a fight Madara or Kaguya?

It would be a war of planetary devastations and battles between summoned beasts, but Madara would ultimately win the day with his varied ninjutsu, cunning, and ruthlessness. Kaguya Ōtsutsuki‎ came from seemingly nowhere to be the true final boss of Naruto: Shippuden and usurped Madara’s shot at dominance.

What happened to the Third Hokage?

The third hokage was killed by orochimaru. Orochimaru got killed by Sasuke (well sasuke killed him in his weakest state, and did say that he would not be able to kill him if he wasnt in his weakest state) but still with his choke-tome rinnegan I think he would probably be able to kill him right now in his most powerful state.

Is Madara more powerful than Hashirama?

Like hashirama is more powerful than madara and madara was able to defeat the 5 KAGES. But its debatable that who’s done more work but During his life, the Third Hokage was said to be the strongest Hokage in the village’s history as well as strongest of his fellow Kage. is totally wrong.

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Is the Third Hokage stronger than Hashirama?

But its debatable that who’s done more work but During his life, the Third Hokage was said to be the strongest Hokage in the village’s history as well as strongest of his fellow Kage. is totally wrong. AsianReaper wrote: Narutopwnu7 wrote: ^^^because he never showed one???and he wasn’t said to be on same level of Hashirama.