Tips and tricks

Who would win in a fight Ghost Rider vs spawn?

Who would win in a fight Ghost Rider vs spawn?

1 WINNER: SPAWN They were equal in most cases but Spawn eventually pulled ahead with his higher power ceiling and a much better experience, especially as a warrior. Spawn wins here as the angstier, gloomier, and angrier anti-hero when going against Ghost Rider in this boxing match made in hell.

Can living tribunal beat Ghost Rider?

The Ghost Rider stands no chance. Living Tribunal. This guy is the second most powerful being in the Marvel Multiverse (when we exclude the people like the Beyonders), only TOAA is above him. All the other cosmic entities are bellow him in power.

Which DC character would completely destroy Ghost Rider?

This might be a bit obvious, but Lucifer is one of the characters that would utterly destroy Ghost Rider. While Ghost Rider is able to defeat the Marvel comics version of Mephisto or Satan, DC’s Lucifer is a different character altogether.

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Can Ghost Rider survive a fight with Wonder Woman?

Even if the fight took place beneath the sea, Ghost Rider can survive underwater, and his Hellfire isn’t affected by water. Even though there is no stopping Ghost Rider with a physical attack, Wonder Woman has a handful of tricks up her sleeve that would have him running for the hills.

Is Ghost Rider’s Penance Stare strong enough to defeat villains?

While it’s easy for Ghost Rider to use his Penance Stare to defeat villains, with heroes it’s more complicated than that. Ghost Rider’s main weakness is that he can be defeated by any weapon forged in Heaven or Hell, and DC has quite a few religious artifacts that could do the trick.

How powerful is Ghost Rider compared to Batman?

Batman, master of vengeance and crusader of Gotham, is about as powerful a human superhero you can get… but that’s just it – he’s human. Ghost Rider has fought the Hulk to a standstill, so it’s pretty believable he could defeat Batman easily.