Tips and tricks

Do Infp talk about their feelings?

Do Infp talk about their feelings?

INFPs generally do not talk about their feelings.

How do INFPs speak?

INFPs can be emotional in their communication with other people, although they always treat everyone with respect. INFPs are able to speak with people of various personality types in their “language”, and on a variety of topics. However, at times INFPs can come across as distant and reserved.

What do INFP like talking about?

INFPs enjoy conversations that focus on imaginative possibilities or the causes that interest them. They are usually not too fond of small talk, but would rather discuss their ideas, motivations, creative pursuits, or personal endeavors.

Are INFP expressive?

INFPs are usually not stoic people, and prefer to be open and sincere. INFPs have a hard time with stoicism, and often have expressive reactions to things that cause them intense emotions. They have times when they are frustrated or angry, but that shows in a much different way.

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How do you spot an INFP conversation?

Basically at anything. You will think that they never experienced sadness. They listen when people talk. Even when it seems like they are not, they’re actually listen.

Can INFPs handle their feelings?

It is also incorrect to say that INFPs are overly emotional or cannot handle their feelings. INFPs do not bury their emotions inside and ignore them, and because of this they are more equipped to handle them than some types.

What is the difference between INFP and INFJ?

INFPs mirror emotions. On the other hand, if you’re an INFP, you’re extremely in touch with your own feelings because of your dominant function, introverted feeling. You don’t absorb other’s emotions directly like INFJs, but instead, you put yourself in other people’s shoes and imagine how you’d feel in a similar situation.

What is a healthy INFP?

This actually helps the INFP to behave more rationally about their feelings than people realize, since they are used to them and know what to expect. The healthy INFP is rarely blindsided by their own feelings, because they value them and actually pay attention to what they are experiencing.

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Do INFJs feel emotions?

The INFJ’s secondary function (or second most-used way of thinking) is extroverted feeling, which puts other people’s emotions on their radar all the time. Literally. All. The. Time. INFJs often report not being able to turn off this super power even when they want to.