
How long does it take to learn B2 Dutch?

How long does it take to learn B2 Dutch?

Most people learn the easier languages to B2 level if studied for 500–1000 hours (according to the CIA). The more difficult languages take up to 4x as much time (e.g. Japanese). So with group lessons in the morning and self-study/living in The Netherlands, you should be there in about 12–15 weeks.

Can I learn Dutch in 2 years?

But as a general guide, the Foreign Service Insitute in the US estimates it takes about 600 hours of class lessons (or 24 weeks) for a native English speaker to become fluent in Dutch. 5.5 hours of class lessons every week for two years.

How long does it take to master Dutch?

But as a general guide, the Foreign Service Insitute in the US estimates it takes about 600 hours of class lessons (or 24 weeks) for a native English speaker to become fluent in Dutch. Of course, very few of us have the opportunity to study Dutch for 25 hours every week.

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How long does it take to learn Dutch in the Netherlands?

And that means that you have to live in a Dutch speaking environment and speak Dutch all the time (with colleagues, family, friends). For level B1 – you need at least 1-2 months of practical experience on this level, from the moment you completed #dutchgrammar-3. For level B2, you will need at least 4-6 months of full time practical experience.

How long does it take to reach B1 level Dutch?

It is important to understand here that level B1 is very hard to reach if you don’t have practical experience. You cannot acquire every skill during a language course. To reach B1, you need at least 1-2 months of practical experience on this level, from the moment you have completed #dutchgrammar-3. What is B2 level Dutch?

How do I become a B2 level Dutch speaker?

You cannot reach B2 level Dutch just with language courses (unless you are very talented or German is your native language). Otherwise, you absolutely must get a lot of practical experience. And that means that you have to live in a Dutch speaking environment and speak Dutch all the time (with colleagues, family, friends).

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Most people learn the easier languages to B2 level if studied for 500–1000 hours (according to the CIA). The more difficult languages take up to 4x as much time (e.g. Japanese). So with group lessons in the morning and self-study/living in The Netherlands, you should be there in about 12–15 weeks.