What are the dangers of accepting friend requests on Facebook?

What are the dangers of accepting friend requests on Facebook?

Only accept friend requests from people you know. Accepting friend requests from strangers can increase the risk of scammers spoofing YOUR profile, collecting personal information to gain access to online accounts (like your mother’s maiden name, a common verification question used for resetting passwords), etc.

What happens after you accept a friend request on Facebook?

Facebook is a treasure chest of personal information. If you have a private account, when you accept a Friend Request, the information and pictures that were once restricted from public view become visible to your new “friend”.

How do I ask a girl for friendship to a stranger?

6 (Non Awkward) Ways To Approach Someone You Want To Be Friends With

  1. Highlight a similarity. The root of friendship is often an underlying similarity, whether it’s a shared interest, hobby, or sense of humor.
  2. Ask them questions.
  3. Give them a compliment.
  4. Offer help.
  5. Use humor.
  6. Be upfront.
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What does it mean when someone doesn’t accept your friend request on Facebook?

When someone doesn’t accept your friend request on Facebook, it’s upsetting. You put yourself out there and were ignored or denied. You have a right to be hurt, embarrassed and mad. Someone not accepting your friend request can mean different things depending on the situation.

How do you know if someone has rejected a friend request?

The only way you will know if someone didn’t accept your friend request is if they hit “Delete” instead of “Confirm” when they saw your friend request. You can click on your Friend Requests icon. If they declined your friend request, you will see it there.

What does it mean when someone says friend request sent?

If it says “Friend Request Sent,” that means they haven’t done anything yet. They may or may not have seen it. As with someone unfriending you, most likely, you will never know the reasons for someone not accepting your friend request. However, it’s normal to want to know the reason someone didn’t accept your friend request.