Tips and tricks

Can only oscillate about their mean positions?

Can only oscillate about their mean positions?

Answer: In a solid the constituent particle are very closely packed and the forces of attaction among these particles are so strong that the constituent particles in solids have more or less fixed positions. They can only oscillate about their mean positions.

Why particles of solid Cannot move and change its position?

Solid � In a solid, the attractive forces keep the particles together tightly enough so that the particles do not move past each other. Their vibration is related to their kinetic energy.

What is the constituent particle of solid?

A crystalline solid usually consists of a large number of small crystals, each of them having a definite characteristic geometrical shape. In a crystal, the arrangement of constituent particles (atoms, molecules or ions) is ordered.

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What do you mean by the constituent particles?

A constituent particle is one that cannot be broken into smaller pieces at the scale of energy k·T involved in the process (where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature). The meaning of constituent particle, and thereby of particle number, is thus temperature-dependent.

What is meant by mean position?

A mean position is any position that is a moderate position between two other extreme positions. It is understood as a middle-of-the-road position or compromise between two extreme views. In order for a position to be a mean position, it only needs to be more moderate than two identifiable extremes.

What type of motion is possessed by the constituent particles of solid?

Answer: The partcles of a solid have a fixed position but still they do move about their mean position ,they are not fully stationary…they show vibrational motion (they very slightly move from their position like a pendulum oscillates from its mean position..)

Why the particles of matter are continuously moving?

Answer: Particles of matter move continuously because kinetic energy is present inside them. And particles of solids have the least kinetic energy in them. Particles of liquids have less kinetic energy than gases and more kinetic energy than solids.

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Why are the particles in a solid assumed to be moving even though we Cannot see them?

Solids, liquids, and gases are made of tiny particles called atoms and molecules. In a solid, the particles are very attracted to each other. They are close together and vibrate in position but don’t move past one another. The particles of a liquid are close together, always moving, and can slide past one another.

What are the constituent particles of matter Class 9?

Matter consists of atoms, and atoms have electrons, protons and neutrons.

Which of the following motion is present in constituent particles of solid?

What type of motion is possessed by the constituent particles of a solid?

What are the constituent particles of metallic solids?

Metallic Solids In these type of solids, the constituent particles are metal atoms. The interparticle forces in these solids are metallic bonds. In the metallic crystals the metal atoms occupy the fixed positions but their valence electrons are mobile.

Why do particles in solids undergo oscillations?

In solids the particles are very near each other so the particles cannot move freely as compared to the particles in gases or liquids. Since they cannot move freely they just undergo oscillations. Expansion of metals when heated illustrate this phenomenon. The particles receive their energy to move from heat in the environment.

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What are the characteristics of solids?

Solids have definite shape and mass. In solids, intermolecular distances are short and intermolecular forces are strong. Solids have distinct boundaries. Their constituent particles have fixed positions and oscillate about their mean positions. Solids have fixed volumes. They are rigid and have negligible compressibility.

What is the solid state of matter?

As we know matter exists in mainly three states – solid, liquid and gas. Here we are discussing the solid state of matter in detail. In solids particles are tightly packed. Solids have definite shape and mass. In solids, intermolecular distances are short and intermolecular forces are strong. Solids have distinct boundaries.

What is meant by crystalline solids?

Crystalline Solids – In crystalline solids, the arrangement of constituent particles is found in an ordered manner. It means in crystalline solids a regular pattern of the constituent particles is found which repeats itself periodically over the entire crystal.