
What to know before becoming a lifeguard?

What to know before becoming a lifeguard?


  • Minimum age: 15 years (depending on state)
  • Swim distance using front crawl (freestyle) or breaststroke without resting: 100 yards.
  • Feet-first surface dive, retrieve a 10-lb. brick, and bring it to the surface.
  • Tread water without using arms for 1 minute.

What should a lifeguard know how do you do?

Lifeguards must be trained and able to open an airway in the water with or without the use of a flotation aid and once the victim is on land. Lifeguards should also master techniques to prevent vomiting of swallowed water.

What skills do you need to be a lifeguard?

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Skills and qualities

  • life-saving skills.
  • good physical fitness and stamina.
  • an interest in swimming and the ability to swim well.
  • good people skills and the ability to supervise.
  • awareness of health and safety procedures.
  • alertness and a sense of responsibility.
  • the ability to remain calm and act appropriately in an emergency.

How long do you have to be able to hold your breath to be a lifeguard?

Some require you to swim 300 yards, tread water in one place for 2 minutes without support, swim using various techniques, surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet (2.1 to 3.0 m), and hold your breath for 1 to 2 minutes. Make sure all of your certifications stay up to date.

What is it like to be a lifeguard?

Generally, a lifeguard is physically inactive for most of their shift and the work on the whole isn’t physically straining. The work is usually in a more interesting environment than other jobs and people are usually in a better mood. There is usually a free membership to a gym, club or at least a pool.

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What is needed to start lifeguard training course?

What is needed to start the lifeguard training course: You need to be 16+. Must be able to jump, much preferably, dive into deep water. There are many different entrances to the pool that you may be asked to do, being comfortable getting into the water in an active way is key.

Can you work as a lifeguard at Uni?

There is usually a free membership to a gym, club or at least a pool. There is usually paid training monthly. Pools are never usually open at very early in the morning or very late at night. You can work as a lifeguard at university and it is common to be able to work at home and at uni.

What are the different types of lifeguard tests?

You’ll find it’s devised into three sections: First Aid training, a pool test, and a verbal test. All three assess different skills and test the potential lifeguard in their physical and mental capabilities.