
Why family is important in our country?

Why family is important in our country?

As basic and essential building blocks of societies, families have a crucial role in social development. They bear the primary responsibility for the education and socialization of children as well as instilling values of citizenship and belonging in the society.

Which country is best for family life?

The World’s Top 10 Countries for Raising a Family

  1. Sweden. Sweden has a strong social policy and is ranked first in childcare and overall cost of children.
  2. Denmark. The parental leave system in Denmark is rated as among the most generous and flexible in the EU.
  3. Australia.
  4. Netherlands.
  5. Austria.
  6. New Zealand.
  7. Canada.
  8. Switzerland.

Is family important in your country Quora?

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Yes, family is important in my country and it has always stayed integral part of my culture from centuries together. Even though post LPG they are becoming less important but you see you need family to lead and stay strong. That family may not necessarily be blood, i got my friends as my family now.

How are families today different from in the past?

Differences between your family now and in the past Now the average family consist of five members. There is a lack of respect towards the parents, who have lost some of their authority. Women are more independent now because they work. In the past, people married earlier and had more children.

Why is family bonding is necessary for happiness in life?

Building forts, sharing stories, and just being together makes a difference in all of your lives. Family bonding time builds confidence, teaches children about interacting with others, and create wonderful memories that last a lifetime. Setting aside a time to have weekly family bonding activities is crucial.

How do you think the family will change in future?

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Answer: As mobility increases, family members are increasingly geographically separated, but more connected via mobile technologies. Flexible working becomes more possible, allowing men and women to better combine their work and family roles. Another driver of change in future families is gender equality.

How is family life different today?

Family life is changing. Two-parent households are on the decline in the United States as divorce, remarriage and cohabitation are on the rise. And families are smaller now, both due to the growth of single-parent households and the drop in fertility.

How do you think family will change in future?

What is the family life like in Iran?

In my country, Iran, the family is very sacred. Family means parents and children living in the same house. Children leave home when they get married. Children receive help from their parents until they go to school and are not employed. When they become independent and get married, they sometimes help their parents financially if they can.

What is the importance of family in your country?

The family has very important meaning in my country. It can help develop better cities The family has very important meaning in my country. It can help develop better cities In my country, the Family is very important. Family, where i find love and respect each other. Family, where i return back after work, business trip..

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What do you think about family in the Philippines?

Family is a big thing in our country (Philippines), and it’s one of the things our culture is generally proud of. For the most part, we take pride in taking care of our own. I myself does not come from a big family, I’m an only child and both of my parents are estranged from my relatives so I missed out on a lot of the supposed good stuff.

Why do people migrate to other countries?

A lot of us migrate to other countries so we can provide for family. Not just the immediate family, but most of the time, we end up providing for extended family as well. Even though these people are perfectly capable of working for themselves. It encourages dependency.