Tips and tricks

How detailed can screen printing be?

How detailed can screen printing be?

The highest mesh counts in normal polyester mesh for screen printing textiles are 350 and 380 mesh counts. A rule of thumb for the ruling of halftones on these meshes would be 380/4.5 = 84.4 or about an 85 line halftone which is quite fine for printing on a shirt that has 14 singles or higher weave.

Can you screen print fine detail?

For fine lines and details of sketches I like to use emulsion based screen printing techniques. You can buy emulsion coated mesh screens from The eliminates the need to coat and create your own emulsion screen. It hardens on the mesh screen when it is exposed to light.

Is screen printing accurate?

One round a piece as we go into the third. And screen printing comes back strong with its precision color matching capability. Using the beloved Pantone Matching System, we can duplicate any color you might need. That includes colors that are outside the range of CMYK, super saturated colors and specialty inks.

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What are the limitations of screen printing?

Disadvantages of using screen printing

  • more limited colour ranges available.
  • the amount of ink used can make the design look as if it is raised from the print material.
  • it cannot be customised in the manner of digital printing.

How thick should screen print ink be?

For proper printing, plastisol ink needs to be heavy enough to maintain its viscosity throughout the print run while still being thin enough to penetrate the screen easily and evenly. If a stir stick can stand up in the ink, it’s too thick.

What is the best material to screen print on?

Cotton fabrics
Cotton fabrics Natural fabrics are the ultimate choice for screen printing, as they tend to absorb the ink more readily than man-made fabrics do. Cotton and cotton blends are the most popular choice for most printers and customers as they are soft and permeable, and organic cotton can be even softer again.

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How do you clean exposed screen?

Starts here12:42How to Expose and Washout Screens for Screen Printing T-Shirts – YouTubeYouTube

Why did my screen wash out?

Stencils that wash away Fortunately, when stencils wash away, the problem is clear: Your screens haven’t been adequately exposed. The two most common culprits for inadequate exposure are transparent positives or too short exposure times. First, hold your film positive up to the light.

Is digital or screen printing better?

Where a screen printing gives a more vibrant finish (especially when printing onto a darker surface), digital distribution is better suited to detailed work due to the layers of ink being thinner which assures the final print will turn out more precise.

Why screen printing is so popular?

Why is screen printing so popular? There are many reasons why screen printing is a popular technique, but the most compelling of these comes from the extensive choice of colors that can be used. Screen printing is effective on darker fabrics too. Aside from this, the printer can quickly reproduce a design many times.

What happens if you print too much detail on a screen?

Typically, screen printers will try to print an image with too much detail for their screens. While the result may be passable, it often means losing a significant amount of detail in the finished image.

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What is a good mesh count for screen printing?

Lower mesh numbers, like 80, have 80 openings for the ink to go through for each square inch. Higher mesh numbers have many more spots for the ink to pass through during the screen printing process. A mesh count per inch of 156 is a versatile screen for both fonts and images with a moderate amount of detail.

How many colours can be used in a screen print?

There is no limit on the number of colours that can be used, or the size of the print run. However, as screen printing is quite a time consuming and therefore expensive printing method it is generally used for smaller print runs. How is Screen printing used?

What is a screen print and how does it work?

Although you can screen print directly onto any flat surface, the screen is normally used with a printing press. This makes registering multiple prints easier and more accurate as it holds the screen in one position while you’re printing.