
Can you be a good Christian and not go to church?

Can you be a good Christian and not go to church?

The answer to this question has to be both a common answer and an exception. First, the common answer is: No, Christians cannot forsake gathering together (Hebrew 10:25). Members should attend every Sunday possible to worship their sovereign and enjoy the assembly of the saints.

Does the Bible say you have to go to church to go to heaven?

Only going to church and performing all of your churchly duties doesn’t get you into heaven and good works don’t make you a Christian. It is your faith gives you salvation and the combination of this faith along with tireless works for Christ that make you a devote Christian.

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Does a Christian really need to go to church?

If a Christian is simply someone who assents to belief in the Triune God, then the answer is no . If a Christian is someone who is kind, caring, and keeps the basic ethical teachings of loving God (without specific practices) and loves one’s neighbor, then the answer could be no, one does not have to go to church.

Do I have to belong to a church to be a Christian?

No, you do not have to belong to a church to be a Christian. Being a Christian is not determined by church membership or attendance. We are Christians because we have trusted in Christ, not because of what we do in or out of a church. We attend because we are Christians.

Does going to church make you a Christian?

God wants us to go to church and worship with other Christians. However, the Bible does tell us very clearly that just going to church doesn’t make you a Christian. People can’t become a Christian without believing in Jesus and asking Him to forgive them of all the things they’ve done wrong.

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What do you need to do to become Christian?

First of all, you don’t become a Christian by joining a church, adopting a creed, or by believing in God. There are lots of false churches, false creeds, and even the devil believes in God. Becoming a Christian means you need to understand what the real issues are. Let’s take a look.