
Which philosophy should I read first?

Which philosophy should I read first?

When people ask where they ought to begin in reading philosophy I always suggest starting with Plato. And given how important his teacher, Socrates, was in Plato’s own philosophical development, why not begin with these dialogues that set out the drama of Socrates’ trial, conviction, imprisonment, and execution?

Is Aristotle before or after Socrates?

Following in Socrates’ footsteps, he became a teacher and inspired the work of the next great Greek philosopher, Aristotle. Aristotle (384–322 B.C.E.), while also interested in ethics, studied different sciences like physics, biology, and astronomy.

Which Aristotle book should I read first?

Meaning ‘after the physics’, Aristotle’s study is the first work to bear the title, though Aristotle himself did not use the term and it is thought to have been added in the first century.

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What order should I read Plato’s books?

These (and in this order) can get you started: Apology, an overview of Socrates and his philosophical project. Charmides, introduction to Plato’s dialogue style….

  1. The Apology (possibly, as a group, with the Crito and Phaedo)
  2. The Meno.
  3. The Phaedrus.
  4. The Gorgias.
  5. The Theatetus.
  6. The Republic.
  7. The Symposium.
  8. The Timaeus.

What is the best way to start reading Socrates?

That is, start with one or two dialogs of Plato then a chapter or two of Aristotle before trying a pre-Socratic. (note that Socrates is really only presented by Plato) Another suggestion, if you’re just starting out, is to read an historical commentary along the way.

Is there an order to read Socrates Socrates Plato and Aristotle?

Yes there is an order. First there is no distinct separation between reading Socrates or Plato since Socrates did not write any books and all his teaching is transferred to us by Plato. Second it is impossible to read Aristotle before reading and I mean reading almost all major books of Plato.

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What did Socrates contribute to philosophy?

Since he did not write philosophical texts, all knowledge related to him is entirely dependent on the writings of other people of the time period. Works by Plato, Xenophon, Aristotle, and Aristophanes contain all of the knowledge known about this enigmatic figure. His largest contribution to philosophy is the Socratic method.

What is the best order to read Aristotle’s works?

There is one additional reason for this order i.e. Socrates, Plato then Aristotle, besides that it is the only order you can make sense of what is written. Aristotle’s work is hard. It has very strict language and is like reading a formal paper in some aspects.