
Why is the Lord of the Rings so hard to read?

Why is the Lord of the Rings so hard to read?

if you’re very used to the movies. Tolkien’s sort of archaic prose might take more effort than usual to read, but the real difference is that the books are much denser and more languidly paced, and the first half or so of Fellowship is radically different from what was in the film.

What is your greatest strength Lord of the Rings?

‘It is not the strength of the body, but the strength of the spirit. ‘ – J.R.R. Tolkien. Listen to Tolkien, he knew what he was talking about. Some of his heroes might have great strength, but what sets them apart and what has inspired countless other authors is their courage.

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What does it say on the Lord of the Ring?

The inscription, in the Black Speech but written using an Elvish script, translates to, “One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, And in the darkness bind them.”

Is it worth to read LotR?

The Lord of the Rings trilogy is absolutely worth reading, even though they’re very long and a bit monotonous. There’s so much to the story that doesn’t make it into movies, side stories and fascinating tidbits that you miss if you don’t take the plunge.

Why is LOTR so boring to me?

LOTR is boring to anyone who doesn’t like fantasy, let alone epic fantasy. That means that people who have read ‘real’ books might still get bored by LOTR. It isn’t just “short attention span”, it’s “I couldn’t care less about these boring pseudo-medieval stories!”.

Why didn’t you read LOTR as a kid?

I didn’t read LOTR as a kid because of that precise reason. Now it’s my favorite book. LOTR is tougher reading than the other fantasy books I read as a kid. Tolkien has a large vocabulary and his own complex rhythm to his writing.

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Do people find Tolkien’s writing style boring?

I think they find the writing style boring – it’s a bit old fashioned when you compare it to something like The Magician by Feist. You have to pay attention when you read Tolkien, otherwise you miss important things, and you need to be able to see Middle-Earth in your mind. Unless I’m just strange?

Are there any LOTR fans who are also Wow fans?

Many WoW (World of Warcraft) et all fans are also LOTR fans as well. In fact, I’d even go so far as to say that the MMORPG folks tend to also be HUGE LOTR fans. I think people should rethink their condescending attitudes and rethink making unfounded and extremely biased generalizations.