
How do I stop thinking about the side chick?

How do I stop thinking about the side chick?

8 Ways To End A Side-Chick Relationship

  1. Ask yourself, are you okay being the ‘other woman’?
  2. Confront him: A definite way to end a side chick relationship.
  3. Cut him off, once and for all.
  4. Process your emotions.
  5. Get closure.
  6. A little retrospective thinking, please!
  7. Take some time off for yourself.
  8. Put yourself out there again!

What can a side chick not do?

The 11 Steps To Being A Good Side Chick!

  • #2 Don’t let him get bored.
  • #3 Refrain from having “The Talk”.
  • #4 Do not argue with him EVER.
  • #5 Don’t ask any questions – This should be a no brainer.
  • #6 Do not bother trying to be part of holidays or birthdays.
  • #7 Don’t call first, ever.
  • #8 Always look your best.
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Are You the side chick or the girlfriend?

Being someone’s side chick doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart. Because it can honestly be heartbreaking in small ways. Or in big ways, if you didn’t even know you were the side chick. For some girls, they’re always the side chick, never the girlfriend. Loading…

How do you deal with a side chick?

Note: Some side-chicks are actually able to deal with being present while you do family stuff. But most should be uncomfortable, because it’s a strong reminder of how wrong what they’re doing with you is. 5. Don’t mention or insinuate that she ought to understand/remember your married state.

Should you check in with your wife during side-chick time?

If you need to check in with your wife, do it before, not during side-chick time, unless there’s an emergency. In which case you’ll be going home anyway. Note: Some side-chicks are actually able to deal with being present while you do family stuff.

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Why are side chick confessions so heartbreaking?

After all, love is complicated. These side chick confessions might make you see them in a different light… Being someone’s side chick doesn’t mean you don’t have a heart. Because it can honestly be heartbreaking in small ways. Or in big ways, if you didn’t even know you were the side chick.