
What are the pros of MacBook?

What are the pros of MacBook?

Relatively lightweight, sleek design. Widescreen display. Quick and easy to upgrade the RAM and hard drive. Quite fast when running “Universal” applications, as fast as some MacBook Pro models in some situations.

Which MacBook best for coding?

Apple MacBook Pro
Flaunting an eye-popping 16-inch Quad HD LED Backlit IPS Retina Display, the Apple MacBook Pro model is undoubtedly the best laptop for programming. It comes with 16GB RAM, and is powered by the 9th Gen Intel Core i7 processor, making it a programming powerhouse.

What are the pros and cons of the Apple MacBook Air?

Here are the pros and cons. Great Value (for a Mac): Most students and their families aren’t sweating $100 bills while they bask in the sun. If you want an Apple laptop, and you don’t want to spend at least $1,299 for a 12-inch MacBook or 13-inch MacBook Pro, the Air is your only choice.

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Is the MacBook Air good for a student laptop?

Why the MacBook Air Is a Good Student Laptop. The MacBook Pro and the MacBook 12-inch have shallow “butterfly” keyboards that offer a measly 0.5mm of vertical space below each key, compared with a more-reasonable 1mm on the Air. While some like the new thin keyboards, others have trouble getting used to them.

What are the advantages of a computer science degree?

In summary, a CS degree’s advantages lean toward quality over quantity. You will be going about it at a slower clip, but there will be plenty of opportunity to dig deeper into the material at your own pace.

Are Computer Science degrees in high demand?

So this means that employers will have more and more demand for people with computer science degrees and other related degrees (like data science, information technology, etc.) in practically every industry. For an overview of all the different types of IT jobs, read this article.