Who would win Dumbledore or Gandalf?

Who would win Dumbledore or Gandalf?

Gandalf would beat Dumbledore in a fight between the two, but Dumbledore is more powerful in comparison to his respective world. Gandalf wouldn’t be able to beat Sauron at his full power, but Dumbledore would crush Voldemort any day.

Did Gandalf inspired Dumbledore?

Gandalf was patterned after Odin from Norse Mythology. When you consider the idea that Dumbledore is patterned after Odin, then the connection breaks down. It is possible to say that Gandalf inspired Rowling in making Dumbledore.

Was Gandalf a mentor to Dumbledore?

Dumbledore. Gandalf was never really meant to be a mentor, he was a guide and a protector for everyone living on the Middle Earth, which is only slightly different from being a mentor. Dumbledore is a headmaster. It’s his duty to mentor and teach (he once taught Transfiguration) and he did this fairly well.

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Who is Gandalf the Great?

Gandalf, known as Olorin in Valinor, was one of the five Istari who were sent by Valar to help the people of Middle-earth to fight against evil. Istari possessed great mental and physical powers and were called Wizards by men. After Saruman’s betrayal and fall, Gandalf became the head of the Istari.

Was Dumbledore a good headmaster?

Dumbledore is a headmaster. It’s his duty to mentor and teach (he once taught Transfiguration) and he did this fairly well. It’s not right to compare Dumbledore and Gandalf in terms of mentoring because Gandalf’s purpose wasn’t to mentor others, if anything it was to mentor himself!

How good was Dumbledore as a wizard?

Dumbledore’s exceptional abilities as a wizard can be gauged from the fact that even Lord Voldemort feared him and never dared to enter Hogwarts while he was alive. It was only after Dumbledore’s demise that Voldermort was able to take control of the wizarding world.