
Is Top Coder legit?

Is Top Coder legit?

Topcoder (formerly TopCoder) is a crowdsourcing company with an open global community of designers, developers, data scientists, and competitive programmers.

What is Gig work at TopCoder?

Gig Work is a full time, freelance position working directly with our customers. Gig work at Topcoder is another way we engage with our customers. We utilise this gig work where it makes more sense for a customer to work directly with individual resources as opposed to challenges.

Is Topcoder a Wipro company?

In 2016, Topcoder, along with Appirio, was acquired by Wipro as a part of a $500 million deal and continued to operate as a separate company under its brand.

Who is the owner of Topcoder?

Topcoder/Parent organizations

How do challenges work on Topcoder?

They know the prize money they can win in a challenge, and how much they can earn doing gig-based work for customers. With challenges, members can also see exactly who they’re going up against. While challenges are competitive, Topcoder does not pit members against each other to compete on price.

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How much do Topcoder SRMs get paid?

Most TopCoder SRMs don’t have any prize money. Only problem setters and testers are paid, but that money is not enough to make it a fulltime job. Most importantly, most top ranked participants do it because they really enjoy it.

Who is Topcoder for?

Topcoder is for the enterprise. We’ve helped Fortune 100 companies, global enterprises and public entities start and scale crowdsourcing programs for over 20 years. 1. FREELANCERS ON-DEMAND (TAAS) Use TaaS to request specific talent for a set period of time.

How does Topcoder’s talent pool work?

In order to accelerate your access to talent, Topcoder has built pre-established talent pools. These pools contain a number of Topcoder members who have demonstrated skill in the technology, have undergone identity verification, agreed to an NDA, and opted into the TaaS working model.