
How do you boil an egg for 15 minutes?

How do you boil an egg for 15 minutes?

Place 12 eggs in the bottom of a large pot and and cover with water 1 inch above the eggs. Bring the water to a boil, gently stirring the eggs several times. As soon as the water boils, remove the pot from the heat, cover, and let the eggs sit for 15 minutes (13 minutes for small eggs or 17 minutes extra large eggs).

How can an egg be boiled for 9 minutes using only a 4 minute hourglass timer and a 7 minute hourglass timer?

When the 4-min timer is empty for the second time, the 7-min timer has 1 minute worth of sand in the bottom half. Flip it over so there is now 1 minute in the top. When the 7-min timer empties, 9 minutes have elapsed.

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How do you boil 18 eggs?

Place eggs in a medium pot and cover with cold water by 1 inch. Bring to a boil, then cover the pot and turn the heat off. Let the eggs cook, covered, for 9 to 12 minutes, depending on your desired done-ness (see photo). Transfer the eggs to a bowl of ice water and chill for 14 minutes.

How many minutes a egg should be boiled?

Simply fill a pot with 1–2 inches of water, then insert a steamer basket and heat the water until it boils. Carefully place your eggs in the basket, cover the pot, and steam them for 5–6 minutes for a soft-boiled egg and about 12 minutes for a hard-boiled one.

How long do you boil 18 eggs?

Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Then, let them sit in the hot water. As soon as the water begins to boil, turn off the heat and cover the pot. Leave the eggs in the hot water for anywhere from 10-12 minutes, depending on how you like your eggs.

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How do you make a 9 minute egg?

Add water to your pot, keeping in mind that you only need enough to cover the eggs, and bring to a boil. Once you’re boiling, turn off the heat, add the eggs, cover and start your timer for nine minutes. A nine minute cook time is best for large eggs.

How long do you boil an egg on each side?

Bring the water to a rapid boil on the stovetop over high heat. Once the water comes to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and remove the pan from the heat. Do not lift the lid. Set a timer for the type of boiled egg you want, from 4 minutes to 12 minutes. Fill a large bowl with ice and water.

How do you boil an egg without cracking it open?

Fill the pan with cold water, 1 inch above the eggs. Bring the water to a rapid boil on the stovetop over high heat. Once the water comes to a boil, cover the pan with a lid and remove the pan from the heat. Do not lift the lid. Set a timer for the type of boiled egg you want, from 4 minutes to 12 minutes.

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Do eggs cook faster boiled or boiled?

Keep in mind that smaller eggs cook faster and that you may need to cook for longer at higher altitudes due to changes in atmospheric pressure. If boiling isn’t your preferred method of cooking, you can also try baking, steaming, or pressure cooking whole eggs for the same result.

How long do you cook hard boiled eggs in a pressure cooker?

For hard-boiled eggs, increase the cooking time to 7–8 minutes. When your timer goes off, manually release the pressure valve on the lid and allow all the steam to escape. Carefully open the lid and place the eggs into an ice bath or cool them under cold running water.