
What are effects of Jupiter in 7th House for Gemini ascendant?

What are effects of Jupiter in 7th House for Gemini ascendant?

The native with Jupiter in 7th House for Gemini Ascendantrespects his father and gets full support from him. The native earns enough wealth and gets respect and honour in government and society. The native with Jupiter in 7th House for Gemini Ascendant does good deeds and gains adequate wealth.

What is the effect of Jupiter in 7th House?

Due to the effect of Jupiter in 7th house, physical intimacy between the life partners determines the quality of their marital relationship. According to Vedic astrology, Jupiter in the seventh house may affect the spiritual belief of the natives and they may become reckless in their life.

What is the effect of planet Jupiter in the 7th house?

Spouse Appearance & Nature : Planet Jupiter in 7th house of all ascendants is capable of giving virtuous, beautiful, intelligent, wise, religious and chaste spouse (wife or husband) through arrange or love marriage. Native gets caring spouse from rich and reputed family, will be sensitive towards others and family.

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What does Jupiter in the 7th House of matrimony mean?

It signifies both positive and negative effects – Being a strongest benefic, Jupiter is praised for many reasons yet as told though the placement of benefic planets (Jupiter, Mercury, Moon, Venus) is considered good in the 7th house of matrimony.

What is the status of Jupiter for Mithun Lagna Ascendant?

Jupiter for Mithun Lagna/ Gemini Ascendant is the lord of 7th house as well as 10th house. It is also a Badhak for this ascendant as mentioned in the classics. Jupiter suffers a Kendradhipati dosha for this ascendant.

What will happen if Moon Moon and Ketu conjunction in 7th house?

Moon and Ketu conjunction in 7th house is also consider as marak in the horoscope. This combination may cause accidents. Native may be suffering from hunilations. 9) Native may be suffering from skin problem.