
What is the central idea of the poem the Two Friends?

What is the central idea of the poem the Two Friends?

The poem focuses on that there are many people that don’t have much status, time, money, etc. while others have everything. It is stated that a person which have less is meant to carry the most of it. However, the consumption also determines how much a person much get.

Who is the poet of the two friends?

The Two Friends by Carolyn Wells – The Two Friends Poem.

What happens to the two protagonists in Guy de Maupassant short story Two Friends?

It is also important to note that both men die, though neither man participates in the war. Both men enjoy the peaceful act of fishing, and war takes their lives from them.

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What is ironic about the ending of Two Friends quizlet?

What is ironic about the end of the story? The prussian eats the two friends fish.

Why did the centipede tell the spider that he might seem distracted?

Why did the Centipede tell the spider that he might seem distracted? Ans: The Centipede told the Spider that he might seem distracted because keeping track of his legs requires his constant attention.

Why did the centipede offer to be the listener in the conversation?

The centipede offered to be the listener in the conversation as he needed utmost concentration to keep his feet in step with each other.

What is the moral of the story Two Friends can get in the story?

Now the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend on the ground, “Friend, what did the bear tell you into your ears?” The other friend replied, “The bear advised me not to believe a false friend.” Moral: True Friend is the one who always supports and stands by you in any situation.

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Why did Maupassant write Two Friends?

Realistically, there were thousands of people who died in the Franco-Prussian War. Guy de Maupassant then used this story and his own experiences at war to encourage people to protest the war. He created two characters to represent the loyal French people who died for their country when it was at war.

What is the main conflict in Two Friends?

Plot. Conflict: The two friends didn’t have the password and just wanted to fish. Rising Action – When the Prussians showed up, the two friends stopped fishing and the Prussians pointed guns at them and asked for the password. Climax – They were killed by the Prussians because they didn’t say anything.

How do the fish symbolize the Two Friends?

The two friends in the story symbolize honor and loyalty because they die rather than betray their country. The fish they catch symbolize the fleeting pleasures of life. Finally, the German officer represents the senseless killing and evil that accompanies war.

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What is centipede in story?

The centipede effect occurs when a normally automatic or unconscious activity is disrupted by consciousness of it or reflection on it. For example, a golfer thinking too closely about her swing or someone thinking too much about how he knots his tie may find his performance of the task impaired.

What is the conflict of the story the centipede?

The external conflict in this story is between the protagonist and his sister, how Delia would not stop being mean to him, and would not stop mistreating Eddie. The internal conflict in this story could be seen in the attitude…show more content… The pet dog of Eddie would symbolize Eddie himself.