
What are the factors that affect academic performance of students?

What are the factors that affect academic performance of students?

Students’ academic performance is affected by several factors which include students’ learning skills, parental background, peer influence, teachers’ quality, learning infrastructure among others.

What are the main causes of poor student performance in school?

10 Causes of Poor Academic Performance in School – Most Students Never Admit #8

  • Improper timetable: Any student without a proper timetable or workable timetable is planning to fail.
  • Inadequate study time:
  • Financial constraint:
  • Lack of study materials:
  • Broken home:
  • Doubt:
  • Lack of trust in God:
  • Discouragement:

What factors contributed to your academic achievements?

Results: Factors influencing high academic achievement include: attendance to lectures, early revision, prioritization of learning needs, deep learning, learning in small groups, mind mapping, learning in skills lab, learning with patients, learning from mistakes, time management, and family support.

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What factors contribute to student achievement?

Research has shown that the top four factors that impact student achievement are: classroom management, teaching for learning, home and parent involvement, and believing that all students can learn. Most things in life are pretty simple, but they are usually not easy.

What is poor performance in schools?

Poor academic performance according to Aremu and Sokan (2003) is a performance that is adjudged by the examined and some other significance that portrays as falling below an expected standard. A candidate who scores below the standard is regarded as showing poor academic performance in school.

What is poor academic performance?

The results show that: students with poor academic performance have five significant characteristics: low enthusiasm for learning, lack of motivation for learning, lack of interest in learning, weak willingness to learn, and poor learning mentality.

Which factors contribute to the academic success in children?

Other things that may influence success in school include motivational and well-trained teachers, parental expectation, private tutoring sessions, reading at age appropriate levels, and meeting of nutritional needs.

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What is student academic performance?

The academic performance involves factors such as the intellectual level, personality, motivation, skills, interests, study habits, self-esteem or the teacher-student relationship. When a gap between the academic performance and the student’s expected performance occurs, it refers to a diverging performance.

How can you help students with poor academic performance?

Those students who have poor academic performance may need a little extra assistance in getting through exams….Your classroom = motivation station

  • Get excited. One of the best ways to motivate your students is to share your enthusiasm.
  • Harness their interests.
  • Encourage your students.
  • Help them find self-motivation.

What are the factors that affect the academic performance of students?

Introduction Students academic gain and learning performance is affected by numerous factor including gender, age, teaching faculty, students schooling, father/guardian social economic status, residential area of students, medium of instructions in schools, tuition trend, daily study hour and accommodation as hostelries or day scholar.

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How to resolve the problem of poor academic performance?

Sometimes it’s good to request assistance for the educational purposes to resolve the problem of poor academic performance. Students must always look for project or assignment help from their teachers in order to get top results. But students don’t take the help, which further damages their grades and academic record.

Does the type of school you go to affect university performance?

It is concluded that the type of schools in which students studies greatly influence the educational performance and academic achievement of the students. Miller and Birch (2007) summarized the views of many researcher and educationist in their study on the influence of high school attended on university performance.

What is considered low academic achievement in exams?

… The low academic achievement in exams as “Low or weakness of the student’s mark under the normal average in a study subject level as a result of a variety of reasons, including those related to the student himself, or those related to family, social and academic environment.”. This low performance may lead to frequently failure [11].