
Can an O positive parent have an A negative child?

Can an O positive parent have an A negative child?

Yes this is definitely possible. In this case, the most likely explanation is that dad is a carrier for being Rh- and mom is a carrier for blood type O. What happened was that dad and mom each passed both an O and an Rh negative to the baby. The end result is an O negative child.

Can a baby have a different blood type than both parents?

Yes, a child is able to have a different blood type than both parents. Which parent decides the blood type of the child? The child’s blood type is decided by both parents’ blood type. Parents all pass along one of their 2 alleles to make up their child’s blood type.

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Can an O blood type mother have an AB child?

child cannot be explained in terms of the usual inheritance pat- terns. 3 One would not expect the cord blood result to be AB when the mother is type O; however, in very rare instances, such as the cis-AB blood type, it is possible. Typically, an O mother would produce either an A, B, or an O infant.

How rare is B positive blood?

How rare is B positive blood? This means only 8\% of donors have B positive blood. In total, 10\% of people belong to blood group B, making it one of the least common blood groups.

How does a child get O positive blood?

The ABO Blood Types A child with type O blood can have parents with type A, type B, or type O blood, but not type AB. Conversely, if two parents both have type O blood, all their children will have type O blood.

What is the difference between O positive and a negative blood type?

O positive. This blood type doesn’t have A or B markers, but it does have Rh factor. O positive blood is one of the two most common blood types (the other is A positive). A negative. This blood type has A marker only. A positive. This blood type has A marker and Rh factor, but not B marker.

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Can two O blood type parents have a baby?

O blood type. For example, two O blood type parents can produce a child with only O blood type. Two parents with A blood type can produce a child with either A or O blood types. Two parents with B blood type can produce a child with either B or O blood type.

Can a baby be a or B positive if O positive?

O is recessive trait and if O is present that means neither A nor B is present in parents hence baby cant be A or B positive Early symptoms of spinal muscular atrophy may surprise you. Signs of spinal muscular atrophy can be easily ignored.

Is it possible to have an ABO positive and negative child?

The ABO type and the positive/negative type aretwo completely separate gene groups, so the two don’t have any crossover. There is a really rare gene type in which the AB type shows up as O, and in this case the child could be typed as O. BUT ( and it’s a big one, too) o matter what the records say, the records can be wrong.