
Why are ENFPs so hard on themselves?

Why are ENFPs so hard on themselves?

ENFPs want to be able to grow and develop as a person, without being held back by limitations. This drive to learn and grow often makes the ENFP hard on themselves, constantly searching for challenges to overcome. ENFPs are very caring and warm individuals, who want to be sure that they are not hurting others.

Do ENFPs stand up for themselves?

When ENFPs do stick up for themselves, they tend to do so in the same way they would if they were sticking up for the underdog. Its just a matter of realizing you are JUST as important.

Do ENFPs feel misunderstood?

ENFPs do often struggle with feeling misunderstood, which bothers them immensely. They might not make it obvious to others that they are hurt by it, but ENFPs do want to feel like people can understand them.

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Do ENFP care what others think?

ENFPs are fun and passionate people, who enjoy living life to the fullest. When the ENFP is younger though, they often struggle with needing affirmation from others. They likely care a lot what other people think of them, and try to ensure that they are liked by others.

Are Enfp forgetful?

They tend to be forgetful, disorganized and sometimes completely inept. This means they need friends and colleagues who can look out for the little details and put up with their failings.

What is it like to be an ENFP?

At their best the ENFP is sensitive and understanding, and capable of seeing the good in the world around them. Having endured trauma can cause them to view things with a more cynical viewpoint, which is not naturally the way they would want to approach things.

How do enfps act when you interrupt them?

They feel immediate rejection and frustration — which they cover with suppressed rage. When you interrupt an ENFP repeatedly, they may press their lips together and stop speaking. If you invite them to finish what they were saying, they might shake their head “no” and remain silent while avoiding eye contact.

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Why do enfps have a hard time making friends?

If the ENFP has endured some sort of childhood trauma, this can cause them to adopt a more cynical mindset. They might struggle to trust people and can look at them with a sense of suspicion The ENFP who is normally outgoing and loves being around people, might have a hard time ever letting someone in truly close to them.

How does trauma change the ENFP personality?

Having endured trauma can cause them to view things with a more cynical viewpoint, which is not naturally the way they would want to approach things. Childhood trauma can also cause the ENFP to withdraw at a young age, when ordinarily they would be outgoing and charming. How Trauma Changes The ENFP