
Is a clone trooper good or bad?

Is a clone trooper good or bad?

The Clone Troopers were a Trojan horse. Each trooper was programmed to obey the Chancellor Of The Republic and his or her designated agents. Since Chancellor Palpatine authorized the Jedi through the granted powers of his office command of the troopers, they were considered good guys during the Separatist crisis.

Are there good clones and bad clones?

So, if you’ve ever wondered whether the Clone Troopers and the Stormtroopers are good or bad, keep reading! The Clone Troopers were never bad, they were just very loyal clones who obeyed a very evil leader, Palpatine.

Are clones the same as Stormtroopers?

Clone stormtroopers were the original elite soldiers of the Galactic Empire. After the fall of the Galactic Republic and the formation of Emperor Palpatine’s New Order, the Republic Grand Army’s clone troopers were re-designated as stormtroopers.

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Are clone troopers more dangerous than stormtroopers?

Because they were better outfitted and had more intense training, clone troopers were generally more dangerous than stormtroopers were. There also were famous clone troopers in the Star Wars universe, including Fives.

Why did they introduce stormtroopers in Star Wars?

With the death of Jango Fett at the Battle of Geonosis, there was no way to create more clones from fresh genetic samples… which led to the introduction of stormtroopers. Alright, what are stormtroopers and how are they different from clone troopers?

What’s the difference between clone troopers and Droids?

There’s a reason that after the clones started dying out and Stormtroopers were being introduced, that the Clones became Sergeants and Stormstroopers followed their orders. Clones have better genes, more experience and training and have a stronger mentality. Droids are just pants.

What’s the difference between Jango and stormtroopers and clones?

1. Clones – Purer Jango bloodline, more training. 2. Stormtroopers – Most Stormtroopers are in fact not Jango clone, they edged over equipment but their armor is actually weaker (as Stormtrooper’s armor traded durability for environment protection, and Clone Trooper’s armor give more chance of survival against blaster shot) 3.