
Why does the minister not believe Voldemort is back?

Why does the minister not believe Voldemort is back?

Harry wanted attention, found the names of those who had been tried as Death Eaters, and declared they had witnessed the Dark Lord’s return. So in the end, Fudge’s refusal of Voldemort’s return lies in the fact that he was a bumbling man who liked to be in power.

Why does Cornelius Fudge deny Voldemort has returned?

Fudge refused to believe that Voldemort was back because he was more concerned with keeping his job and thought that allowing the wizarding community to life in ignorance would help his cause. Fudge is a stubborn coward.

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How did Hedwig know which Harry was real?

the Death Eaters
Hedwig was allowed to fly free behind Harry during the sequence, and her attempt to protect Harry and Hagrid was key in allowing the Death Eaters to identify him as the real Harry Potter. Her death in the film contradicts her death in the book, where she was killed by a stray Killing Curse whilst kept in her cage.

Did Dolores Umbridge work for Voldemort?

Following Lord Voldemort’s takeover of the Ministry of Magic in 1997, Umbridge resumed her post as Under-Secretary and oversaw the registration and persecution of Muggle-born witches and wizards under the Muggle-Born Registration Commission.

Why didn’t the Ministry of Magic Believe Voldemort was back?

Cornelius Fudge and other Ministry officials : The Ministry of Magic never wanted to believe Voldemort was back, and because of their influence on the Wizarding World, nobody wanted to anger the M.O.M. because of its power. Also, Fudge believed Dumbledore wanted to get the job of Minister of Magic, so he opposed whatever Dumbledore thought right.

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What happened when Voldemort fell from power?

If you look at what happened when Voldemort originally fell from power after attempting to kill Harry, the initial celebration was huge. Everybody was immensely relieved, to the point where they were willing to openly interact with the Muggle world. Harry, being no more than a baby, had become The Boy Who Lived.

Why does Fudge think Dumbledore is trying to remove him?

Fudge believed that Dumbledore was his primary political opponent, and that Dumbledore was actively seeking to oust him as Minister. Fudge believes that Dumbledore is using the threat of Voldemort’s return to undermine Fudge’s administration and replace him as Minister.

Is Harry still the boy who lived?

Harry, being no more than a baby, had become The Boy Who Lived. Ten years later Harry thwarts Voldemort’s plans again. He’s still The Boy Who Lived, and now it’s obviously not just pure luck that’s keeping him alive.