
What is an example of kill two birds with one stone?

What is an example of kill two birds with one stone?

To kill two birds with one stone means to complete two actions in one. For example, my girlfriend tells me, “You have to get a gift for Mother’s Day and you also have to get some gasoline for the car.” Therefore, I have killed two birds with one stone.

Is killing 2 birds with one stone a metaphor?

PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is offering alternative phrases for metaphors such as ‘killing two birds with one stone’ in order to promote a way of speaking that doesn’t encourage cruelty towards animals. ‘Killing two birds with one stone’ – ‘Feeding two birds with one scone’

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What is an appropriate definition for the phrase kill two birds with one stone 1 do more damage than you intended 2 succeed in achieving two goals in a single action?

Definition of kill two birds with one stone : to achieve two things by doing a single action We can kill two birds with one stone by dropping off the mail when we go to the grocery store.

Where did to kill two birds with one stone originated?

“Kill two birds with one stone” was first found in writing in 1656. It appeared in The Questions Concerning Liberty, Necessity, and Chance written by Thomas Hobbes. The quote reads: T. H. thinks to kill two birds with one stone, and satisfie two Arguments with one answer, whereas in truth he satisfieth neither.

Where does the saying bring home the bacon come from?

According to local legend, the church in Great Dunmow would award a side of bacon (called a “flitch”) to any man who could honestly say that he had not argued with his wife for a year and a day. Any such man would “bring home the bacon” and be considered a role model.

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How does T H think to kill two birds with one stone?

“T. H. thinks to kill two birds with one stone, and satisfie two Arguments with one answer, whereas in truth he satisfieth neither.” Example: He is completely smitten with love for her. Read on

Why did Daedalus kill two birds with one stone?

Daedalus killed two birds with one stone in order to get the feathers of the birds and make the wings. The father and son who escaped from the Labyrinth on Crete by making wings and flying out. According to another theory the saying was derived from an expression from The Proverbs of John Heywood, 1546 that reads:

Where did the phrase “two birds with one stone” originate from?

It is to be believed that the phrase was originated from the story of Daedalus and Icarus from Greek Mythology. Daedalus killed two birds with one stone in order to get the feathers of the birds and make the wings.

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What does it mean to throw rocks at a bird?

Well, back in the old days, humans probably throw rocks at birds in an attempt to kill them. It’s a crude way of getting dinner but hey, food is food. Perhaps that was how the saying originated, who knows. In any case, the saying basically means to solve two problems with one action, something like a win-win solution.