
Is Hulk a different person than Bruce?

Is Hulk a different person than Bruce?

Obviously, for most of the Hulk’s time in comics, he was split into either his human self, Bruce Banner, and then his rampaging Hulk form, he would always complain about the puny humans who would never leave him alone and how much he hated Banner.

Where did the Hulk personality come from?

Commonly portrayed as a raging savage, the Hulk has been represented with other personalities based on Banner’s fractured psyche, from a mindless, destructive force, to a brilliant warrior, or genius scientist in his own right.

Does Hulk have two personalities?

Besides his strength, however, the Hulk is known for something else. There’s more than one Hulk inside Bruce Banner. People who only know the Hulk from the Marvel Cinematic Universe may only know of a couple of those personalities. They recognize “childlike” Hulk and Smart Hulk but there’s more than that.

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Is the Hulk a complete personality?

Well, the Hulk is not a complete personality. From the Hulk’s classic origin story, he represented a side of Bruce Banner that he had always attempted to control and bury. The Hulk began as a personification of rage unleashed on the world. (Most of us have had a few days like that, so he’s not hard to relate to.)

What is the difference between the Hulk and Bruce Banner?

Bruce Banner is socially withdrawn, extremely intelligent and mild-mannered, whereas Hulk is aggressively angry, destructive and his IQ does not match that of Banner’s (OK, yes, in some later comics, the Hulk is an intellectual equal to Banner, but for our purposes, let’s stick with the traditional Hulk).

What is the origin story of the Hulk?

From the Hulk’s classic origin story, he represented a side of Bruce Banner that he had always attempted to control and bury. The Hulk began as a personification of rage unleashed on the world. (Most of us have had a few days like that, so he’s not hard to relate to.)

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Does the Incredible Hulk have dissociative identity disorder?

The Incredible Hulk And Dissociative Identity Disorder. Because Hulk is so destructive, dangerous and out of Banner’s control, the fear of triggering the split personality is a deep source of concern and disruption in Banner’s life. In Banner’s case, the DSM-5’s fourth criterion for DID piggybacks off of his distress.