
What to do when you are scared to study?

What to do when you are scared to study?

How to overcome study blocks:

  1. It’s good to talk.
  2. Set goals for yourself.
  3. Get rid of self-doubt with positive affirmations.
  4. Remember that the key to success is consistency.
  5. Use exercise to expend any nervous energy you have while studying.
  6. Write down how you feel about different subjects and exams.

How can I stop my fear of exams?

How to Overcome Exam Phobia

  1. Relax and Make a Plan.
  2. Have Proper Rest and Eat Well.
  3. Do Not Compare Yourself with Others.
  4. Take Small and Regular Examination Breaks.
  5. Make Time for Revision to Keep Exam Phobia at Bay.
  6. Sleep Properly.
  7. Stay Positive.

How do I start studying?

10 ways to motivate yourself to study

  1. Acknowledge your resistance and difficult feelings with motivation.
  2. Do not run away.
  3. Do not blame yourself for procrastinating now and then.
  4. Try to understand your studying style better.
  5. Don’t question your abilities.
  6. Visualise yourself starting.
  7. Focus on the task at hand.
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How do I Stop Feeling scared all the time?

Sometimes confronting that “scared” feeling head on is the best way to remove it at the time. Eliminating anxiety overall will decrease the frequency and severity of unexplained scared feelings. If one were to simplify what anxiety is, it would best be described as your fear response being overactive.

Is it okay to not know what to do in life?

There will be times in your life where you may not know what to do next, or you will make the wrong decision and that is okay. With a purpose and a vision when these situations occur, you won’t be paralyzed by the fear of not knowing what to do; you will seize it as an opportunity to experience life.

Why do I feel scared all the time?

Trauma and other life experiences can also contribute to a sense of feeling scared. Sometimes confronting that “scared” feeling head on is the best way to remove it at the time.

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How do you deal with the fear of the future?

I would say talk to a person who’s close to you. Talk to them openly. Seek therapy. Simply focus on one day at a time and try to make the most of it. Shift your focus from ‘ what will the future look like?’ to ‘I am going to do productive, interesting things today’.