Who is the most flexible superhero?

Who is the most flexible superhero?

1 Plastic Man The most important, well-recognized, and powerful expandable superhero of DC Comics, Plastic Man has the most unlimitedly malleable superhero body of all.

Which series is best Marvel or DC?

While both comics publishers present a make-believe universe, Marvel brings more realism to a fantasy world. In addition, marvel takes more risks, so they come out with highly unique movies such as Guardians of the Galaxy. However, DC is better at giving their characters depth and backstories (ex. Batman).

Can Plastic Man Shapeshift?

He Can Provide Additional Visual Feasts To DCEU Films During big action scenes, filmmakers can make Plastic Man stretch and shapeshift into anything they can imagine without any real limitations. For example, he could shapeshift his hands into swords or become a Tommy gun that shoots tiny rubber bullets out of himself.

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Are DC Comics the Best Comics?

With thousands of different comics in the DC library, it can be difficult to determine which are the best. But most would agree on these DC comics. Comics have come into their own as an art form and one of the biggest reasons for that is DC.

Why are Marvel Comics so popular?

Throughout its decades-long history, Marvel Comics has had some truly great stories and issues that have defined the genre. Marvel is the best-selling comic company and the inspiration for the entertainment juggernaut known as the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

What are the best superhero comics of all time?

Widely considered the greatest comic of all time, writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons’s 1985-1986 classic brought the superhero comic kicking and screaming into the mainstream. Moore pulled out all the stops for this one and Gibbons’s detailed and gritty art brought the whole thing to life.

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Is Deathstroke the best superhero in the DC Universe?

Deathstroke can singlehandedly defeat entire teams of heroes and is one of the most skilled fighters in the DC Universe. When someone hires Deathstroke, they’re getting the best of the best. David Harth has been reading comics for close to 30 years.