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Who is the bastard son of Robert Baratheon?

Who is the bastard son of Robert Baratheon?

First appearing in 1996’s A Game of Thrones, Gendry is a blacksmith apprentice in King’s Landing, and an unacknowledged bastard of King Robert Baratheon.

Are all Baratheons dead?

That means every single member of House Baratheon that we’ve met is dead — except one. As the only living person we know of who still has Baratheon blood, that makes him Robert’s last heir.

Why did cersei marry Robert?

After the conclusion of Robert’s Rebellion, a marriage was arranged between Cersei and the new king, Robert I Baratheon, in order to seal the new royal house’s alliance with House Lannister. Cersei and Robert were wed in 284 AC.

Who was last Baratheon?

Gendry, the last person with Baratheon blood, is found by Davos. When Daenerys Targaryen sends her Hand, Tyrion Lannister, to King’s Landing to negotiate with his brother Jaime Lannister, Ser Davos Seaworth, who smuggles in Tyrion, travels to Flea Bottom.

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Is Lord Gendry Baratheon a real person?

Lord Gendry Baratheon, formerly known simply as Gendry, is an unacknowledged bastard son of King Robert Baratheon. He has since been legitimized and inherited all titles held by his father before Robert became king, and appointed the new Warden of the South.

Who is King Robert Baratheon in Game of Thrones?

Robert I Baratheon is the Lord of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and the head of House Baratheon of King’s Landing. Robert was crowned king after King Aerys II Targaryen, his first cousin once removed, was killed during Robert’s Rebellion.

What happened to Robert Baratheon’s brother Eddard?

When his Hand of the King, Lord Jon Arryn, dies suddenly, Robert decides to offer the position to his old childhood friend, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell. Displeased that he was not chosen, Stannis Baratheon, Robert’s younger brother, sails from King’s Landing to his own seat of Dragonstone.

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What happened to Gendry in Game of Thrones?

Gendry travels north on the Kingsroad with Yoren and his recruits, befriending Arya on the journey. He is targeted by the City Watch of King’s Landing because of his status as a bastard of King Robert Baratheon, but remains unaware of his lineage. Yoren intimidates a pair of gold cloaks who come looking for Gendry into leaving empty handed.