
What is the relative speed of both cars while they are Travelling in the same direction?

What is the relative speed of both cars while they are Travelling in the same direction?

When two bodies move in the same direction then the Relative Speed = Difference of Speeds i.e for a person a sitting in a train moving with a speed of 60 km/hr in the west direction, another train which is going towards the west with a speed of 40 km/hr, will appear to move at a Speed of (60-40) = 20 km/hr.

What is the relative velocity of two cars moving along a straight path in opposite direction with same velocity?

If both cars are travelling in the same direction, one at 25 ms-1 and the other at 35 ms-1 then their relative velocity is 10 ms-1 (by vector addition). If they are moving in opposite directions, however, the relative velocity of one car with respect to the other is therefore 60ms-1 (See Figure 1).

What happens when two cars move in the same direction?

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Disregarding relativity, if one car is moving in a direction at a velocity v, and another car is moving in the opposite direction at -v, their velocity relative to each other will be the difference in their velocities:

What is the velocity of a car moving 180 degrees apart?

Velocity is a vector — a quantity that contains information on both magnitude and direction. If the cars are moving in exactly the opposite direction (180 degrees apart), then one car will be moving at 20 m/s while the other is moving at -20 m/s. Which car has positive velocity depends on what axis you define as the positive direction.

How do you find the relative speed of the truck?

At that time when car A meets the truck, car B will be at 80 km away from both car A and truck. In order to meet both car B and truck, they will together travel 80 km. Time taken is 1 hour. Let x be the speed of the truck.Since they are travelling in the opposite direction, the relative speed will be 54 + x.

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What is the speed of the truck in the opposite direction?

In order to meet both car B and truck, they will together travel 80 km. Time taken is 1 hour. Let x be the speed of the truck.Since they are travelling in the opposite direction, the relative speed will be 54 + x. Hence the speed of the truck is 26 km/hr.