
Can you start a family as a doctor?

Can you start a family as a doctor?

Will it be harder as a female neurosurgeon or orthopedic surgeon (SURGICAL SPECIALTIES) than say a GI, neurologist, endocrinologist, or cardiologist (MEDICAL SPECIALTIES)? Yes, but it is still very possible to start a family.

Can you start a family in med school?

For a variety of reasons, many medical students opt to start their families while still in medical school. The first step in the journey of doctor and parent? Understand that it’s possible. While not necessarily endless, the possibilities exist for you to have a baby during medical school.

Is it possible to be a doctor and a mom?

Can You Be a Doctor and a Mom? Yes! Having a family and wanting to stay home doesn’t mean the end of your medical career. Modern technology allows you the flexibility to work from home if you desire and still see patients.

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Can you have a baby in residency?

Some people find the thought of having children during residency unimaginable, but a growing number of us not only contemplate having children while in training, but decide to take actually the plunge into changing diapers. Pregnancy during residency is not a new concept.

Can I be a good mom and a doctor?

Do I regret becoming a doctor?

In a survey of 3,571 resident physicians, career choice regret was reported by 502 or 14.1\% of the respondents, according to a study published on Tuesday in JAMA. For instance, 32.7\% of those training in pathology and 20.6\% of those training in anesthesiology said they regretted their career choice.

What happens to your family when you become a doctor?

One of the most noticeable shifts that occurs once you’re beginning life as a doctor is that loved ones will likely come to you for medical advice. Family members who never before thought to ask your opinion on whether they should seek treatment for something could now find your perspective to be invaluable.

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Are You a good family physician?

Family medicine could turn out to be your true calling. You might be a good family physician if … 1. You crave variety in your work People either love routine or find it restricting. More often than not, family physicians fall in the latter camp. Most of them will tell you that no two days are the same.

Are all family doctors the same?

While no two doctors are the same, those within the same specialty typically have a handful of common qualities. You might be surprised to hear that having some difficulty homing in on a particular field is actually quite common among family physicians.

Are you cut out for a family physician career?

While not everyone is cut out for a career as a family physician, those who choose this route often find their work incredibly rewarding. They get to enjoy the variety they desire and fill one of the most vital roles in health care. You stand to make a big difference by pursuing a career as a family physician.