
Is Goku low complex Multiversal?

Is Goku low complex Multiversal?

Goku isn’t Multiversal but he is Low Multiversal. But then there’s Xeno Goku who is complex multiversal which is above high multiversal.

What is high Multiversal?

“High Multiverse level+” or “High 2-A” is for characters who can destroy and/or create an infinite number of 4-dimensional universal space-time continuums, and/or are 5-dimensional beings.

What is the highest dimensional tier?

Tier 1: Higher-Dimensional:

  • Low Complex Multiverse level: 6-dimensional characters.
  • Complex Multiverse level: 7-dimensional, 8-dimensional and 9-dimensional characters.
  • High Complex Multiverse level: 10-dimensional and 11-dimensional characters.

What are the dimensional tiers?

Tiering System

  • 3.1 Tier 11: Infinitesimal. 3.1.1 11-C: Low Hypoverse level.
  • 3.2 Tier 10: Human. 3.2.1 10-C: Below Average Human level.
  • 3.3 Tier 9: Superhuman. 3.3.1 9-C: Street level.
  • 3.4 Tier 8: Urban. 3.4.1 8-C: Building level.
  • 3.5 Tier 7: Nuclear.
  • 3.6 Tier 6: Tectonic.
  • 3.7 Tier 5: Planetary.
  • 3.8 Tier 4: Stellar.
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What does Multiversal mean?

(mŭl′tə-vûrs′) 1. The collection of parallel universes that comprise all of reality in some quantum mechanical and cosmological theories. 2. A similar collection of parallel universes in a work of fiction or a series of related works of fiction.

What is 5D in anime?

5D just refers to the 5th dimension, which is essentially transcendent to an infinite 4 dimensional construct (infinite 4D = infinite spacetime continuum’s – Space/Spatial = 3D + Time/Temporal = 1D, 3D + 1D forms 4D, thus they are intertwined as a singular entity, otherwise known as “SpaceTime”), and it would just be 4 …

What does it mean to be Hyperversal?

Hyperversal (a character who transcends the totality of an M-Theory Multiverse and is above the Complex Multiversal scale. These types of characters are included of 11 spatial dimensions and are above conventional reality, meaning they are higher-dimensional entities that are above any Multiversal set).

What is Powerscaling?

Powerscaling is the method of determining a character’s power through comparing them to other characters in their series. Another way powerscaling works is through attributing feats a character performs to other characters who are equal or greater than that character as well.

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What gender is the one above all?

It was here revealed that the One-Above-All, also called the “Above-All-Others”, exists beyond time and space, and alternates between appearing as female and male. Thanos managed to convince the entity to restore reality, in exchange for Adam taking up the vacant position, and duties, of the deceased Living Tribunal.

What is a complex Multiverse Level?

1-C | Complex Multiverse level: Characters who can universally affect, create and/or destroy spaces whose size corresponds to three to five higher levels of infinity greater than a standard universal model. In terms of “dimensional” scale, this can be equated to 7 and 9-dimensional real coordinate spaces (R ^ 7 to R ^ 9)

What is a universe level+ character?

Low 2-C | Universe level+: Characters who are capable of significantly affecting, creating and/or destroying an area of space that is qualitatively larger than an infinitely-sized 3-dimensional space. Common fictional examples of spaces representing such sizes are space-time continuums of a universal scale.

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What is a high level hyperverse character?

High Hyperverse level: Infinite-dimensional Hilbert space characters. Take note that even if a character is a more than countably infinite number of times superior to an infinite-dimensional space, or similar, it would still usually only qualify for High 1-B, as long as the character does not transcend the concepts of time and space altogether.

How many dimensions are there in the multiverse?

The M-Theory defines the sum totality of an entire multiverse, with all higher dimensions included, as a 10 to 11-dimensional structure. We follow the convention of a complete multiverse being 11-dimensional. Physically impaired humans.