
What happened to the USS Voyager after it returned to Earth?

What happened to the USS Voyager after it returned to Earth?

The USS Voyager, after seven long years has returned home to the Alpha Quadrant and the Federation. The Dominion war has changed the Federation and Starfleet, and the recovery, both material and psychological, is slowly and painfully ongoing.

Did Captain Janeway get home?

Paris to adjust course. The Borg Sphere emerges into the Alpha Quadrant and Starfleet vessels begin firing upon it. But then it explodes in a spectacular fireball, and Voyager emerges from within the debris intact. Admiral Paris welcomes Janeway back home, and she promises him a full report.

What kind of ship is the Defiant?

The USS Defiant (NX-74205) was a 24th century Federation Defiant-class starship operated by Starfleet. This was the prototype of the class and the second Federation ship known to bear the name Defiant .

Why did Starfleet develop the Defiant?

Development on the Defiant began around 2366 in response to the Borg threat to the Federation. After initial and hostile first contact with the Borg, Starfleet did what it hadn’t done in decades, place greater emphasis on Starfleet’s essential role in the defense of the Federation.

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Why did the Defiant stay in the Gamma Quadrant?

After a joint Obsidian Order- Tal Shiar fleet entered the Gamma Quadrant on a mission to destroy the Founders’ homeworld, Vice Admiral Toddman ordered that the Defiant remain at DS9 to protect the Bajoran sector from any Dominion retaliation.

Why did the crew of the Defiant kill each other?

Shortly after entering the region, the Defiant ‘s crew began experiencing sensory distortion, and insanity quickly spread throughout the ship. The ship’s chief medical officer was unable to determine what was happening, and eventually the insanity induced by the phenomenon led the crew to kill each other.