Tips and tricks

Can braces come off after 6 months?

Can braces come off after 6 months?

Overall, orthodontic treatment through braces can take anything from 6 months to 30 months. It is important to note that you should only get your braces off when you and your orthodontist are completely happy with the position of your teeth, as getting them off too early may leave you with undesirable results.

When do you know your braces are ready to come off?

Straightened Out: Just like the spacing issue, your teeth need to be fully aligned and straight in order to have your braces removed. If you are noticing that your teeth are aligned and free from spaces, it’s likely closer to the end of your treatment.

Can you switch orthodontists in the middle of braces?

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Most patients remain with the same orthodontist throughout the entirety of their treatment plan, but yes, switching orthodontists during braces or Invisalign is possible!

What causes braces to break?

Braces brackets or wires can become damaged or broken. This common inconvenience can quickly cause discomfort. Brackets, bands, spacers, and wires can break for several reasons, like eating hard or crunchy foods, sustaining a mouth injury, or even brushing your teeth too vigorously.

When should I Have my braces removed?

If the damage progresses and becomes too bad, then your orthodontist may recommend having your braces removed. However, careful brushing and attention to the matter early can often allow you to keep them for the full treatment duration and enjoy the healthy smile that you wanted. How Will I Know If My Braces Have Decalcification?

What happens if I miss my orthodontic appointment?

This reduces pressure on braces during eating. Objects such as pens and straws can damage braces and result in added time at the orthodontist’s office. So dont chew them at all. When you miss an appointment, you are setting back your treatment by weeks or months. If you have an emergency or similar then reschedule at the earliest convenience.

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Do you need a retainer after braces are removed?

Although your teeth will be vulnerable after the dentist removes your braces, you may be able to prevent them from moving by wearing a retainer. Even patients who have undergone the entire course of orthodontic treatment are often asked to wear one because even their teeth can move after a period of time.

Why are my teeth still not done with braces?

The teeth have to be firmly attached to their new spots. Otherwise, once the braces are removed, the teeth can quickly revert back to their original positions, erasing all the good that years of orthodontic work has done. If your dental professional says that your teeth aren’t “done” yet, you need to listen.