How come there are so many Loki variants?

How come there are so many Loki variants?

Originally Answered: Why are there multiple Loki variants? There are multiple Loki variants because the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a multiverse of an infinite number of universes. Many of these have different versions of Loki, Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, etc.

Are the Loki variants from different timelines?

‘Loki’ Multiverse Explained Time is always occurring all at once, and those make up the different timelines and different universes. It is in the minute little fluctuations in each instance of time that differentiates one universe and timeline from the other.

Who is the variant Loki?

Sylvie is the Loki variant that Mobius and the TVA were hunting. Sylvie was taken from her timeline when she was a child playing in Asgard by Judge Ravonna and the TVA agents.

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Which is the best list of all the Loki variants?

All the Loki variants explained, from Kid Loki to Alligator Loki to Tour de France Loki. 1 2012 Loki. This is the main version of Loki. 2 Sylvie. 3 Classic Loki. 4 Kid Loki. 5 Boastful Loki.

Does Loki exist in the Marvel Multiverse?

But Marvel Comics readers know that the Marvel Multiverse is composed of endless alternate realities and dimensions that exist alongside our heroes on Earth-616 (the regular Marvel Universe), and they interact all the time. Until very recently in the comics, Loki was a powerful and deceptive but ultimately irredeemable villain.

What happened in ‘Loki’ season 1 Episode 6?

Loki episode 6 is now streaming on Disney Plus, and the finale of the show’s first season (with a second season already confirmed) puts the concept of variants of Marvel characters and concepts in the spotlight – beyond even just variants of Loki himself.

What happened to Alligator Loki in Loki?

But he doesn’t seem particularly bright, having made a bad deal that ends in all-out fight between the various Lokis. It’s unknown whether he survived the fight or not. Alligator Loki is one of the four Loki variants Loki meets in The Void. Alligator Loki is probably the cutest Loki out there (sorry, Tom Hiddleston).