
Did Socrates believe in God or gods?

Did Socrates believe in God or gods?

Socrates: Early Years Socrates was born and lived nearly his entire life in Athens. Although he never outright rejected the standard Athenian view of religion, Socrates’ beliefs were nonconformist. He often referred to God rather than the gods, and reported being guided by an inner divine voice.

Did the philosophers believe in God?

There is no consensus about the existence or non-existence of possible worlds, Platonic forms, abstract structures, real essences – or God. Some philosophers – not most but a significant minority, including members of the Society of Christian Philosophers – believe in God.

Did Socrates believe in spiritual beings?

Socrates argues that if he teaches spiritual things, he must believe in spiritual things, which means he must believe in spirits, and spirits are only of the form of children of Gods and Gods themselves, so Socrates definitely believes in Gods.

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What percent of philosophers are atheists?

Gary Gutting: A recent survey by PhilPapers, the online philosophy index, says that 62 percent of philosophers are atheists (with another 11 percent “inclined” to the view).

Why was Socrates accused of atheism?

Saka has two clauses, both of which are true—Socrates was indeed accused of not believing in the city’s gods, but he himself claimed to believe in them. In addressing the issue of atheism, Socrates takes care to show that he referred to divinities in his philosophical conversations.

Why is Socrates a gift from God?

At 31b, Socrates attempts to convince the jury that he really is a gift from God to Athens by asking them whether it seems natural for someone to neglect his own affairs, endure the humiliation of allowing his family to be neglected while he busied himself on behalf of Athens’ citizens.

Why did Socrates believe in only one God?

While to the Athenians gods are human-like and confused, Socrates believes god to be perfectly good and perfectly wise. His god is rationally moral. His god also has a purpose. This purpose is to better men’s souls, to make them become perfectly good, as the god is.

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Was Socrates accused of being an atheist?

Socrates was accused of atheism, but he was not an atheist. If we assume that Socrates was telling the truth, then the conflict between him and Meletus, his accuser, must have been not about whether Socrates believed in the gods but rather about how Socrates saw the gods as compared to how the community saw the gods.

Did Socrates believe in one God or gods?

Socrates does not explicitly answer whether or not he believed in the many gods of Athens, but he definitely believed in at least one divinity: his inner voice. Although this may still be considered a form of impiety by an Athenian jury, it is erroneous to describe Socrates as an atheist.

Does Socrates believe in God?

Socrates is described as hearing an inner voice that he believed was God’s. This was not the god of Anaxagoras . Socrates, according to Plato, faulted Anaxagoras’ nous (ultimate mind and soul, or God) as dead mechanics rather than a power with knowledge and design.

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Is Socrates guilty as charged?

Socrates was guilty as charged. Ever since it occurred in 399BC, the trial of the Athenian philosopher Socrates has been portrayed as a travesty in which the founding father of Western thought was made to face trumped-up charges invented by his ignorant and prejudiced fellow-citizens.

What are Socrates’ views on religion?

Although he never outright rejected the standard Athenian view of religion, Socrates’ beliefs were nonconformist . He often referred to God rather than the gods, and reported being guided by an…