
Are platonic crushes Real?

Are platonic crushes Real?

A platonic crush, also called a “squish”, is where you really, really, want to be in a close relationship with someone, but where there’s no component of sexual attraction. Squishes are most common with asexuals and demisexuals, but anyone can have one. Platonic originally meant “based on Plato’s ideas”.

What’s a platonic crush called?

This sort of aromantic attraction towards someone has come to be known as a squish. Having gained currency among the asexual community, it has expanded to stand as a nomenclature to denote intense platonic attraction.

Can you have a platonic crush and be head over heels for someone?

In fact, you can have a platonic crush and be head over heels for someone – as friends. If you’ve ever watched someone from a distance and just wanted to be their friend very badly, you know how it feels to have this type of crush. But how do you proceed when you have these feelings?

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Is it possible to have a platonic male friend?

Short answer: Yes. Slightly longer answer. Yes, but… Platonic male friends – is it possible as an adult? Hi friends! After the initial “we’re just friends” clarification I’ve found that a lot of my guy friends aren’t in my life anymore. I really value men as friends because I love feeling like a bro, like one of the guys.

How to avoid inguendo in platonic friendships?

Around your platonic friends, at least, it can help to keep your banter innuendo-free. If your friend is a persistent flirter and you’d prefer they stop, try talking to them about it. Any friendship can face challenges from time to time. Being mindful of issues common to platonic friendships can help you avoid them.

Is it possible to have a friendship with someone without romantic feelings?

Neither one of you wants a relationship, and romantic feelings have never come up. But sometimes, when the moment feels right, you go for it. This friendship wouldn’t be platonic, even if neither of you has a romantic interest. If you have a crush (or something stronger) on one of your friends, maintaining a friendship is still possible.