
Why are there no great English composers?

Why are there no great English composers?

There are lots of reasons for this. One, mentioned by Harrison Boyle, is the lack of royal patronage of British composers. While early composers such as Byrd and Purcell benefited from patronage of the Chapel Royal , later monarchs preferred German composers such as Handel and Mendelssohn.

What country has the most classical music?

1. Vienna, Austria. The undisputed crown jewel of Europe’s classical music scene is Vienna. Several generations of the greatest composers lived and worked in Vienna under the patronage of the House of Hapsburg.

Which country did classical music come from?

Originating in Western Europe with the music of the early Christian Church, modern musicologists often classify it into major eras: the Medieval (500–1400), Renaissance (1400–1600), Baroque (1600–1750), Classical (1750–1820), Romantic (1800–1910), Modernist (1890–1975) and Postmodern/Contemporary (1950–present) eras.

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Which country likes classical music?

Today, Chinese people are among Western classical music’s biggest enthusiasts and contributors: they have a particular interest in Western classical music from the Classical period (about 1730 to 1820) and Romantic period (late 18th and early 19th Century), while the nation produces a staggering 80 per cent of the …

Why are there so few British composers in the UK?

There are lots of reasons for this. One, mentioned by Harrison Boyle, is the lack of royal patronage of British composers. While early composers such as Byrd and Purcell benefited from patronage of the Chapel Royal, later monarchs preferred German composers such as Handel and Mendels

Is there such a thing as a classical composer?

I use “classical” as a classifying word for all these composers which is actually wrong. Only composers that were part of the musical period between 1730 and 1820 are correctly called classical composers. Nonetheless, it is very common to entitle all following composers as classical composers.

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Who are the greatest English composers of all time?

Without a doubt one of the greatest English composers, none other approached his fame or brilliance until Elgar came along two centuries later. Hubert Parry (1848-1918) As a composer, Parry is best known for the song Jerusalem, the coronation anthem I was glad, and the choral and orchestral ode Blest Pair of Sirens.

Why are German composers regarded as the greatest?

The status of “great composer” became associated with Germans; as a result, composers of other nationalities didn’t gain so much attention or respect, their works weren’t so widely circulated and heard, and the great = German equation became even more entrenched. This is just a selection of possible reasons.