
What does as useful as a chocolate teapot mean?

What does as useful as a chocolate teapot mean?

Totally useless
1- As useful as a chocolate teapot Meaning: Totally useless! When someone or something has no use it is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Where does the saying chocolate teapot come from?

This suggests that the phrase may come from one of the many humorous business training videos which Cleese’s company Video Arts produced in the 1970s. Staff report: ” About as much use as a chocolate teapot.”

What does chocolate fireguard mean?

As-much-use-as-a-chocolate-fireguard meaning (simile, humorous) Useless; pointless.

What does a teapot symbolism?

For many of us, a teapot means so much more than a mere vessel for brewing and pouring tea. The teapot is a symbol of friendship, of telling stories and confiding in each other. Like an old friend or a childhood toy, indeed like tea itself, your favourite teapot is a source of pure joy, comfort and reassurance.

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What is a chocolate kettle?

Chocolatiers have managed to produce a chocolate teapot that held boiling water for two minutes to make a drinkable brew. The result was a hand-crafted, working receptacle made of dark chocolate containing 65\% cocoa solids. When put to the test the teapot survived, albeit pouring tea with a “hint of chocolate”.

Can you make a chocolate teapot?

Melt the chocolate in a glass bowl set over a pan of hot water. Pour some into the middle of the other bowl to make a base. Make a hole where the spout will be attached to and weld the spout to the teapot body by melting the chocolate slightly. Make a lid and handle for appearances’ sake.

What does the saying take it with a pinch of salt mean?

Definition of ‘to take something with a pinch of salt’ If you take something with a pinch of salt, you do not believe that it is completely accurate or true.

What is the meaning of dot your i’s and cross your t’s?

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Be meticulous and precise, fill in all the particulars, as in Laura had dotted all the i’s and crossed the t’s, so she wondered what she’d done wrong. This expression presumably began as an admonition to schoolchildren to write carefully and is sometimes shortened.

What does Foot in Mouth mean?

Say something foolish, embarrassing, or tactless. For example, Jane put her foot in her mouth when she called him by her first husband’s name. This notion is sometimes put as having foot-in-mouth disease, as in He has a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease, always making some tactless remark.

What is a chocolate teapot?

This and other instances of chocolate teapot discussed in answers to this question involve the expression chocolate teapot in the sense of “teapot made of chocolate.”. But it bears noting that an earlier meaning of chocolate teapot seems to have been either “chocolate-colored teapot” or “teapot for making hot chocolate.”.

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What does “as useful as a chocolate teapot / Fireguard” mean?

Origin of “as useful as a chocolate teapot / fireguard”. I ran across the expression “as useful as a chocolate teapot” (or sometimes a fireguard) which is apparently used to denote the utter uselessness of something. It received some coverage on Language Log back in 2004.

Is Barnsley as much use as a chocolate teapot?

Barnsley’s supporters are notoriously critical and much given to witty judgments. A visit down the pit will not save a dawdling player form the kind of remark in which the Oakwell crowd specialises: “That’s as much use as a chocolate teapot.” A 1981 Google Books snippet also points to the terraces as origin for this ironic simile.

Who is Michael Parkin in the chocolate teapot?

‘Michael Parkin’ as referred to in Hugo’s answer is the British journalist, author and chat show host Michael Parkinson. ‘Chocolate teapot’ features in his book Football Daft, published 1968.