Tips and tricks

Is Spanish really important?

Is Spanish really important?

With more than 33 million speakers, Spanish is the second largest language in the United States. By learning Spanish, you’ll be better able to communicate with Spanish speakers. Latin American countries are our most important trading partners. Being able to speak Spanish greatly enhances your resume.

Is Spanish the best language to learn?

Spanish has always been a go-to language for English speakers to learn due to its practicality and wide reach. Well, it’s also one of the easiest languages to learn for English speakers. According to recent statistics, Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the world, with over 450 million native speakers.

Which is next global language?

Although English has traditionally been seen as the global language, ever increasing numbers of Chinese businesses are gaining prominence in industries all over the world. As a result, the capacity to speak Mandarin has become a valuable asset.

Should I learn Spanish or Mandarin Chinese?

Unless you study Mandarin Chinese when you are a child, it is very difficult to master this language. So, a lot of people in Western World prefer to study Spanish. For example, there are 123 million people studying Spanish and less than 2 million Mandarin Chinese in Duolingo, English version.

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Will Mandarin overtake English as the official language of China?

As China’s economic power grows, Mr Lee believes that Mandarin will overtake English. In fact, he has already been seeing hints of this. “The decline of the English language probably follows the decline of the US dollar. “If the renminbi is becoming the next reserve currency then you have to learn Chinese.”

Why is China so interested in the Spanish language?

The interest in the language is clear. China is becoming an economic powerhouse and, what is more, it is the most populous country in the world with 1.3 billion people. That may be so but it is not quite as clear cut as that. China is an economic power house. How do Spanish speaking countries compete?

Is Mandarin the most important language in the world?

Actually Mandarin should be by now the world’s most important language, it has the most speakers, its position is boosted by an upcoming economic superpower, but Mandarin is still a less commonly taught language. Far more people learn Spanish]