
Why does my boyfriend want to hide our relationship?

Why does my boyfriend want to hide our relationship?

When someone hides their relationship, often it’s because they want to appear available in the dating pool. Now it can be specifically for one person he is still not over or because he likes the attention from opposite sex. Unless you’re in an open relationship, being available isn’t very cool.

Is it good to keep relationship secret?

Keeping a relationship secret can have the same effects as hiding any other part of who you are — it can make you feel anxious, isolated, insecure or jealous. That’s not how a healthy relationship should make you feel.

Why does my boyfriend want to keep my relationship a secret?

Your partner could want to keep your relationship a secret because they are already in a relationship. Another possible reason is that instead of committing to just you, they could be seeing other people as well. Having your relationship out in the open could threaten to end other partnerships your lover has or is pursuing.

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Why do I want to hide my relationship from my Ex?

They’re fresh out of a relationship. Often, someone can want to keep a relationship secret because they’ve recently come out of another one. They might feel that it would be unfair on their ex to move on so quickly or worry about how that ex might react.

How long can you keep things secret from your partner?

It’s one thing knowing your partner wants to keep things secret for a few weeks, or maybe even a few months, until circumstances have changed or a certain event has passed. You might be able to accept secrecy knowing that, on a precise date, things are going to be changing. But it’s quite another keeping a relationship secret indefinitely.

Should you keep your relationship private?

If you have surveyed your partner’s reasoning and decided that you trust them, then the next step is to move forward with love and acceptance. Honor your partner’s wishes and know that keeping your relationship private–for the right reasons–does not detract from you building a healthy, satisfying union.