
Why are there beings instead of nothing?

Why are there beings instead of nothing?

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing.

Who said why is there something rather than nothing?

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz wrote: Why is there something rather than nothing? The sufficient reason […] is found in a substance which […] is a necessary being bearing the reason for its existence within itself.

What exactly is nothingness?

“Nothingness” is a philosophical term for the general state of nonexistence, sometimes reified as a domain or dimension into which things pass when they cease to exist or out of which they may come to exist, e.g., in some cultures God is understood to have created the universe ex nihilo, “out of nothing”. …

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What would happen if there were nothing?

Noted philosophical wit Sidney Morgenbesser answered the question with an apothegm: “If there were nothing you’d still be complaining!”, or “Even if there was nothing, you still wouldn’t be satisfied!”

Why is there something rather than nothing in the universe?

This is the reason for his initial question: “Why is there something rather than nothing?” Unlike God, who has always existed in and of Himself, there is no reason to assume that the universe had to exist. and therefore its existence is contingent on being caused to exist. As such, it requires an explanation.

Where does “nothing” come from?

“Nothing” is dreamed up in the world of something, in the brains of philosophers etc. on a little blue planet orbiting an ordinary yellow star in a certain spiral galaxy. I don’t quite get Achenbach’s logic.

Why does Leibniz think there is something rather than nothing?

Leibniz thought that the fact that there is something and not nothing requires an explanation. The explanation he gave was that God wanted to create a universe – the best one possible – which makes God the simple reason that there is something rather than nothing.