
What makes a great musician?

What makes a great musician?

A great musician has a passion for music, and sticks with it. You can’t make a living playing music!” Those who stuck with it have either discovered that they could make a living, or that they could enjoy making music as a rewarding hobby. A great musician has the right attitude.

What are traits of a musician?

5 Traits of a Professional Musician

  • 1) Follows directions well. Because most musicians make a living playing music for other people, they have to be good at doing what those people want.
  • 2) Well organized.
  • 3) Good communication skills.
  • 4) Plays well with others.
  • 5) Prepared for the job.

How do you know if music is good or bad?

In a few ways. personal taste. If you like it, then to YOU; it’s good. That doesn’t have any affect on its innate and intrinsic qualities as art; but if you like it, then that’s what you like. passion and technique. If the musician uses both equally and with much skill; then it’s likely “good” music; regardless of style.

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Is listening to music bad for You?

If one spends energy and time living with mediocre music, when one could be dining on fabulous music of all types, it is like eating all your meals at McDonalds; a ridiculous use of time, money, and ultimately bad for you. A steady diet of greasy hamburgers will rot your stomach. A steady diet of junk music will rot your brain.

Is punk rock music good or bad?

Punk rock is not automatically good or bad. Classical music is not automatically good or bad. The ultimate true perception of music and extracting the most from it, regardless of style, depends on knowing what is what, and what to expect from what. BAD music can be compared to junk food; good only in small doses,…

How do you know if a song is release-worthy?

If I can still say after a month that I enjoy listening to it, and that it sounds great – then I’ll consider it release-worthy (at least in my eyes). If you can still stand a track you’ve made a month or two down the line – that’s a good sign.